Karte von Australien und den externen Territorien. Australien ist weltberühmt für seine Naturwunder und Weiten, seine Strände, Wüsten, den Busch und das Outback. Australien ist eines der weltweit am stärksten urbanisierten Länder ist es für die Attraktionen seiner großen Städte wie Sydney bekannt. Melbourne. Brisbane und Perth. Verstehen bearbeiten Geographie bearbeiten Australien ist das sechstgrößte Land nach Land. Es ist vergleichbar in der Größe zu den 48 zusammenhängenden Vereinigten Staaten. Australien grenzt im Westen an den Indischen Ozean und im Osten an den Südpazifik. Die Tasman See liegt im Südosten, trennt sie von Neuseeland. Während das Korallenmeer im Nordosten liegt. Papua-Neuguinea. Osttimor und Indonesien sind australische nördliche Nachbarn, getrennt von Australien durch das Arafura Meer und das Timor Meer. Australien ist stark urbanisiert mit den meisten der Bevölkerung stark konzentriert entlang der östlichen und südöstlichen Küsten. Die meisten Binnengebiete des Landes sind halbtrocken. Die bevölkerungsreichsten Staaten sind Victoria und New South Wales. Aber bei weitem das größte Landgebiet ist Western Australia. Australien hat eine Fläche von 7,682,300 km (2,966,152 Quadrat-Meilen) und die Abstände zwischen Städten und Städten sind leicht zu unterschätzen. Die Regierung hat eine National Public Toilet Map veröffentlicht. Australien hat große Flächen, die für landwirtschaftliche Zwecke entwaldet worden sind, aber viele gebürtige Waldgebiete überleben in den umfangreichen Nationalparks und in anderen unentwickelten Bereichen. Langfristige australische Bedenken schließen Salzgehalt, Verschmutzung, Verlust der Biodiversität und Management und die Erhaltung der Küstengebiete, besonders das Great Barrier Reef ein. Klima Als eine große Insel eine breite Variation von Klima in Australien gefunden werden. Die meisten des Landes erhält mehr als 3.000176hr Sonnenschein pro Jahr. Im Allgemeinen ist der Norden heiß und tropisch, während der Süden dazu neigt, subtropisch und gemäßigt zu sein. Der meiste Regen ist um die Küste, und viel des Zentrums ist trocken und halbtrocken. Die tagsüber Höchsttemperaturen in Darwin fallen selten unter 30C (86F), auch im Winter, während die Nachttemperaturen im Winter in der Regel um 15-20C (59-68F) schwanken. Die Temperaturen in einigen südlichen Regionen können im Winter unter dem Gefrierpunkt sinken und die Snowy Mountains im Südosten erleben Meter Winterschnee. Teile von Tasmanien haben einen Temperaturbereich sehr ähnlich zu England. Als Australien in der südlichen Hemisphäre ist der Winter Juni-August, während Dezember-Februar ist Sommer. Der Winter ist die Trockenzeit in den Tropen, und der Sommer ist der nasse. In den südlichen Teilen des Landes ist die saisonale Temperaturschwankung größer. Der Niederschlag ist gleichmäßig verteilt das ganze Jahr über in den südlichen Teilen der Ostküste, während in den Rest des Südens jenseits der Great Dividing Range, sind die Sommer trocken mit dem Großteil der Niederschläge im Winter auftreten. Geschichte bearbeiten Basierend auf wissenschaftlichen Beweisen und Theorie, war die Insel von Australien höchstwahrscheinlich zuerst besiedelt mehr als 50.000 Jahren mit aufeinanderfolgenden Wellen der Einwanderung von Leuten von Süd - und Südostasien. Mit steigendem Meeresspiegel nach der letzten Eiszeit wurde Australien weitgehend von dem Rest der Welt isoliert und Stämme entwickelten eine Vielzahl von Kulturen, basierend auf einer engen spirituellen Beziehung mit dem Land und der Natur und erweiterte Verwandtschaft. Das australische Volk hielt eine Jäger-Sammler-Kultur für Tausende von Jahren in Verbindung mit einem komplexen künstlerischen und kulturellen Leben - darunter eine sehr reiche Geschichte-erzählende Tradition. Während der moderne Eindruck des australischen Volkes weitgehend um ein Bild der eingeborenen Wüstenvölker gebaut ist, die sich an einige der härtesten Bedingungen auf dem Planeten angepasst haben (entsprechend den Buschmännern der Kalahari), stellte Australien ein angenehmes Leben für die Menschen unter den Reiche Flora und Fauna an der australischen Küste - bis zur Ankunft der Europäer. Obwohl ein lukrativer chinesischer Markt für Muscheln und Beche de mer indonesische Fischer dazu ermunterte, Nord-Australien seit Jahrhunderten zu besuchen, war es den Europäern bis zum 16. Jahrhundert unbekannt, als niederländische Händler nach Asien an die Nordwestküste stießen. Frühe holländische Eindrücke von diesem extrem harten, trockenen Land waren ungünstig, und Australien blieb für sie ein symbolisches Verkehrsschild, das nach Norden zu den viel reicheren (und lukrativeren) Ostindien (modernes Indonesien) hinweist. Absichtliche Erkundung der australischen Küste wurde dann weitgehend von den Franzosen und den Briten übernommen. Dementsprechend spiegeln Ortsnamen von Buchten, Landzungen und Flüssen um die Küste eine Reihe von Niederländisch, Französisch, Briten und Aboriginal Sprachen. Im Jahr 1770 navigierte und entdeckte die Expedition der Endeavour unter dem Kommando von Kapitän James Cook die Ostküste Australiens und machte am 29. April 1770 den ersten Landungsplatz in der Botany Bay. Der Koch ging weiter nach Norden und bevor er an Land auf die Besitzinsel im Torres ging Straße von Cape York am 22. August 1770. Hier formulierte er offiziell die östliche Küste, die er für die britische Krone entdeckt hatte und nannte es New South Wales. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass Cooks Entdeckungen zur ersten europäischen Siedlung von Australien führen, wird er oft als europäischer Entdecker populär konzipiert, obwohl andere europäische Nationen seiner Ankunft vor mehr als 160 Jahren vorausgingen. Nach der Explorationszeit wurde die erste britische Invasion und Ansiedlung in Australien im Jahre 1788 auf dem heutigen Sydney gegründet. Geführt von Kapitän Arthur Philip, der der erste Gouverneur der Kolonie von New South Wales wurde. Dies begann einen Prozess der Kolonisation, die fast völlig vertrieben die Aborigines, die das Land bewohnten. Dies verringerte die indigene Bevölkerung drastisch und marginalisierte sie an den Rand der Gesellschaft. Ursprünglich die östlichen zwei Drittel der Insel, wurde die Kolonie von New South Wales später in mehrere separate Kolonien aufgeteilt, mit Tasmanien (damals bekannt als Van Diemens Land) eine separate Kolonie im Jahr 1825, gefolgt von South Australia im Jahr 1836, New Seeland im Jahre 1841, Victoria im Jahr 1851 und Queensland im Jahre 1859. Das westliche Drittel der Insel wurde nicht von den Europäern besiedelt, bis die Briten eine Marinebasis in Albany gegründet. Dann bekannt als König George Sound im Jahre 1826. Die Swan River Colony wurde offiziell im Jahre 1829 gegründet, was heute Perth. Die Swan River Colony wurde 1832 offiziell in Western Australia umbenannt. Während Australien seine moderne Geschichte als britische Strafkolonie begann, war die überwiegende Mehrheit der Menschen, die nach 1788 nach Australien kamen, freie Siedler, hauptsächlich aus Großbritannien und Irland. Sondern auch aus anderen europäischen Ländern. Convict Siedlungen waren meist an der Ostküste, mit verstreuten Taschen von Sträflingsschlössern in Westaustralien. Der Zustand von Südaustralien wurde völlig durch freie Ansiedler geregelt. Viele asiatische und osteuropäische Menschen kamen auch nach Australien in den 1850er Jahren, während der Goldrausch, der Australias erste Ressource boom begann. Obwohl diese vielfältige Einwanderung während der fremdenfeindlichen Jahre der Weiß - australienpolitik stark abnahm, begrüßte Australien eine Reihe von Zuwanderern aus Europa, dem Mittelmeerraum und später Asien, um bis zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts eine vielfältige und multikulturelle Gesellschaft zu bilden. Das System der getrennten Kolonien vereinigte sich, um die selbstregierende britische Herrschaft von Australien im Jahre 1901 zu bilden, jede Kolonie wurde ein Zustand von Australien, mit Neuseeland, das aus der Föderation ausscheidet. Das neue Land entwickelte rasch seine natürlichen Ressourcen einschließlich der Landwirtschaft und des verarbeitenden Gewerbes. Diese Entwicklung führte zu einem großen Beitrag (in Bezug auf die Größe der Bevölkerung) zu den alliierten Kriegsanstrengungen in den Weltkriegen I und II. Australische Truppen machten einen wertvollen und manchmal umstrittenen Beitrag zu den Kriegen in Korea, Vietnam und im Irak. Australian Diggers behalten einen Ruf als einige der härtesten Kampftruppen zusammen mit einem großen sozialen Geist. Australien und Großbritannien verabschiedeten die Australia Act im Jahr 1986, die Beendigung der offiziellen Macht, dass das britische Parlament haben könnte, Gesetze für Australien zu führen, und beendete Appelle von Australien an britische Gerichte. Während das Parlament diese Macht verlor, behält die Königin von Australien und ihre Bevollmächtigten volle Rechte, alle Macht auszuüben. Wirtschaft bearbeiten Australien hat eine wohlhabende westlich-kapitalistische Wirtschaft, mit einem Pro-Kopf-BIP auf Augenhöhe mit den vier dominierenden westeuropäischen Volkswirtschaften und das ist bemerkenswert belastbar auf die jüngsten weltweiten Konjunkturabschwung. Der Dienstleistungssektor, einschliesslich Tourismus, Bildung und Finanzdienstleistungen, macht den Großteil des australischen Bruttoinlandsprodukts etwa 69 aus. Innerhalb des Dienstleistungssektors ist der Tourismus eine der wichtigsten Industrien in Australien, da er Beschäftigung bietet, 73 Milliarden beiträgt Der Wirtschaft jedes Jahr und macht mindestens 11 der gesamten Exporte aus. Die Hauptindustrien - Bergbau und Landwirtschaft - sind für die meisten Australischen Exporte verantwortlich. Eisenerz und Kohle sind mit Abstand die größten Exporte, wobei Weizen, Rindfleisch und Wolle an Bedeutung verlieren. Australien hat ein umfassendes System der sozialen Sicherheit und einen Mindestlohn, der höher ist als die Vereinigten Staaten oder das Vereinigte Königreich. Politik bearbeiten Australien hat ein föderales Regierungssystem mit acht Staats - und Territorialregierungen und einer nationalen Regierung. Jede dieser Regierungen hat ein gewähltes Parlament, mit dem Führer jeder Regierung, als der Premier, als der Führer der größten Partei im unteren Haus vertreten bekannt. Das nationale Parlament basiert auf dem britischen Westminster-System, wobei einige Elemente aus dem amerikanischen Kongress-System gezogen werden. Auf Bundesebene besteht sie aus einem Senat und einem Repräsentantenhaus. Jedes Mitglied des Abgeordnetenhauses (umgangssprachlich als Abgeordneter (Abgeordneter) bezeichnet) repräsentiert eine Wahlabteilung mit mehr bevölkerungsreichen Staaten mit mehr Wahlabteilungen und damit mehr Abgeordneten. Ähnlich wie der US-Senat hat jeder australische Staat eine gleiche Anzahl von Senatoren, mit 12 Senatoren direkt von den Leuten in jedem Staat gewählt, und 2 Senatoren jeweils aus dem Northern Territory und Australian Capital Territory. Die politische Partei (oder Koalition der Parteien), die die meisten Mitglieder im Repräsentantenhaus hat, wird die Regierungspartei und bildet die nationale Regierung. Die Minister kommen aus dem Repräsentantenhaus und aus dem Senat, obwohl der Ministerpräsident aus dem Repräsentantenhaus kommt. Der gegenwärtige Premierminister, Malcolm Turnbull, ist der gegenwärtige Führer der nationalen Regierung und der Liberal-nationalen Koalition, die eine Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus hält. Die Königin bleibt das Staatsoberhaupt, und ihr Vertreter in Australien - der Gouverneur-General - hat nach konventioneller Weisheit und Lampion eine zeremonielle und politisch machtlose Rolle (während er die ultimative Macht hat, den Premierminister zu entlassen). In der Praxis wird angenommen, dass der Premierminister die größte Autorität in der Regierung ausübt. Ein Referendum, um Australias Status zu einer Republik zu ändern, wurde 1999 besiegt, aber das Thema bleibt ein regelmäßig diskutiertes Thema. Die beiden großen politischen Parteien in Australien sind die australische Labour Party (ALP) und die Liberale Partei, die in Koalition mit der Nationalen Partei arbeitet. Emerging in Power ist die sozialdemokratische Grüne Partei, die eine ökologische Strategie-Plattform unterhält und ist effektiv ein Partner der ALP. Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass die Liberale Partei (traditionell) eine rechtsextreme, konservative Partei ist - der Begriff liberal bezieht sich auf die Aufrechterhaltung einer freien Marktwirtschaft. Kultur bearbeiten Australien hat eine multikulturelle Bevölkerung praktiziert fast jede Religion und Lebensstil. Über ein Viertel der Australier waren außerhalb Australiens geboren, und ein anderes Quartal haben mindestens ein im Ausland geborenes Elternteil. Melbourne, Brisbane und Sydney sind Zentren der multikulturellen. Alle drei Städte sind für die Vielfalt und Qualität der globalen Künste, intellektuelle Aktivitäten und Küche in ihren vielen Restaurants bekannt. Sydney ist ein Zentrum der Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte mit dem Weltklasse-architektonischen Juwel, der Sydney Harbour Bridge. Melbourne fördert sich vor allem als Zentrum für die Kunst, während Brisbane sich durch verschiedene multikulturelle Stadtdörfer fördert. Adelaide muss noch erwähnt werden, da es als Zentrum für Festivals sowie germanische kulturelle Einflüsse bekannt ist. Perth ist auch bekannt für seine Lebensmittel - und Weinkultur, Perlen, Edelsteine und Edelmetalle sowie das internationale Fringe-Arts-Festival. Es gibt noch ein paar mehr, die Erwähnung verdienen, aber das gibt eine Idee durch Einführung. Kleinere ländliche Siedlungen im Allgemeinen spiegeln eine Mehrheit anglo-keltische Kultur oft mit einer kleinen Aborigine-Bevölkerung. Nahezu jede große australische Stadt spiegelt die Wirkung der Einwanderung aus Europa, Asien, dem Nahen Osten und dem Pazifik wider, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg auftrat und in den siebziger Jahren fortfuhr, im halben Jahrhundert nach dem Krieg Auf knapp über 20 Millionen Menschen. Es gibt etwa eine halbe Million Australier, die sich als Aborigines identifizieren. Weniger pflegen Elemente der traditionellen Kultur der Aborigines. Nachkommen der Bevölkerung der Sträflinge, die in der Landgeschichte erwähnt werden, sind gegenwärtig eine kleinere Minderheit, verglichen mit den geschätzten 50 der Bevölkerung, die ursprünglich von ihnen umfaßte, als Großbritannien und andere an den Ufern landeten und das Land bewohnten. Vor langer Zeit während der unfreiwilligen Beförderung und Umsiedlung aus Europa und anderen Orten, ist zu beachten, dass alle Aufzeichnungen nicht gehalten wurden und nicht für andere verfügbar waren, noch haben diese Aufzeichnungen, die alle überlebten die Verwendungen von Menschen im Laufe der Geschichte. Die Engländer von Australien waren einmal für lokale Farbe und Kolloquialismen bekannt, aber das ist größtenteils auf Außeneinfluß und Einfluß verloren gegangen. Menschen in ländlichen Gebieten sind immer noch in einem breiteren, umgangssprachlichen Akzent sprechen und haben eine andere Art und Weise, mit vielen der Slang-Wörter, die in den Metropolregionen überholt geworden sind. Akzente neigen dazu, breiter und langsamer außerhalb der großen Städte. Es gibt insgesamt kleine Aussprache Unterschiede auf der Grundlage der Kultur der Herkunft in den Städten, aber diese werden immer weniger häufig. Die Sprache ist allgemeiner geworden. Zum Beispiel das Wort, das Sie umgangssprachlich, ist oft abgerollt die Zunge scharf an der Südostküste, fast wie Schaf als im Gegensatz zu den Westküste und anderen Regionen. Eine weitere moderne Variante, die auf Migranten aus Afrika basiert, findet sich in Afrikaans Akzenten an der Westküste, wobei die lokalen Akzente aufgrund der größeren Bevölkerung und der Anzahl der Afrikaans und der Boer-afrikanischen Einwanderung leicht verändert werden. In der urbanen englischsprachigen Welt ist ein gebildeter, weißer Kragen und ein konservativer australischer Akzent weicher oder generischer in tonaler Qualität als die scharfen Töne in einigen ländlichen Gebieten. In Bezug auf andere Variationen in der Sprache, in der Regel Muttersprachler erkennen können die subtilen regionalen Variationen. Ein Trend bei den Australiern ist der soziale Konservatismus im Vergleich zu einigen europäischen Kulturen und einer erworbenen ausgewogenen Einstellung, die ihre europäischen Ursprünge innerhalb einer Präferenz für den wachsenden asiatischen Einfluss definiert. Sie neigen dazu, in Bezug auf religiöse Einhaltung entspannt. Der australische Sinn für Egalitarismus in seiner Gungho-Form hat moderiert, während die Modi der Ansprache immer noch dazu tendieren, lässig und vertraut zu sein, verglichen mit einigen anderen Kulturen, wie Asien. Die meisten Australier neigen dazu, Sie mit Ihrem Vornamen adressieren und erwarten, dass Sie erwidern. Feiertage bearbeiten Die nationalen Feiertage in Australien sind: 1. Januar. Neujahr 26. Januar. Oster-Wochenende (Karfreitag, Ostersonntag, Ostersonntag und Ostermontag): ein vier Tage langes Wochenende im März oder April, festgelegt nach dem westchristlichen Kalender. Australien-Tag, Markierung des Jubiläums der ersten Flottenlandung in Sydney Cove im Jahre 1788. 25. April. ANZAC Tag (Australien und Neuseeland Armeekorps), ehrende militärische Veteranen zweiten Montag im Juni. Queens Geburtstag Urlaub (gefeiert in Western Australia im September) (WA beobachtet Foundation Day eine Woche früher) 25. Dezember. Weihnachtstag 26. Dezember. Boxing Day Viele Staaten beobachten Tag der Arbeit. Sondern an verschiedenen Tagen. Die meisten Staaten haben ein oder zwei zusätzliche staatliche Feiertage, mit Victoria und South Australia mit einem freien Tag für ein Pferderennen (The Melbourne Cup und The Adelaide Cup). Western Australia hat Foundation Day in der Regel der erste Montag im Juni (erkennt die Gründung des Staates seit 1829), sondern feiert auch den Queens Geburtstag an einem anderen Datum als der Rest des Landes, entweder am Ende September oder Anfang Oktober, aufgrund von Die üblichen Juni-Termine in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Foundation Day. Wenn ein Feiertag auf einen Samstag oder Sonntag fällt, sind am darauf folgenden Montag (und ggf. Dienstag) Feiertage in der Regel als Feiertage bezeichnet, obwohl sowohl die Feierlichkeiten als auch die Einzelhandelsverschlüsse am Tag selbst stattfinden. Die meisten touristischen Attraktionen sind Weihnachten und Karfreitag geschlossen. Supermärkte und andere Geschäfte können an bestimmten Feiertagen und an Feiertagen zu bestimmten Zeiten geöffnet sein, sind aber an Weihnachten (25.12.), Karfreitag, Ostersonntag und ANZAC - Tag morgen fast immer geschlossen. Peak Urlaub Zeiten bearbeiten Die meisten Attraktionen in Australien bleiben ganzjährig geöffnet, einige arbeiten mit einer reduzierten Frequenz oder kürzere Stunden in der Nebensaison. Gezahlt Australier haben vier Wochen des Jahresurlaubs und Schulkinder in den großen Bevölkerungszentren haben Januar als eine lange Pause. Inländischer Tourismus ist am stärksten im Januar und die Osterferien. Sommer neigt dazu, die Hauptreisezeit durch viel des Südens zu sein, mit der Winter (trockenen) Jahreszeit die Höchstreisejahreszeit in den Tropen. Australische Jugendliche, die High School beenden, feiern das Ende der Schule (umgangssprachlich als Schoolies bekannt) für eine Woche, die Ende Oktober bis Mitte November (je nach Gebiet) beginnt. Das Volumen der jugendlichen Feiernden kann die Natur einiger der Städte und der Städte, die sie wählen, völlig ändern (besonders die national populäre Goldküste) besonders sehen, da die überwiegende Mehrheit der Schulabgänger das gesetzliche Trinkalter von 18 erreicht hat. Zeit bearbeiten Australien kann bis zu fünf verschiedene Zeitzonen während der Sommerzeit und drei zu anderen Zeiten haben. Im Osten haben Tasmanien, New South Wales und Victoria immer die gleiche Zeit. Queensland beobachtet nicht das Tageslicht, also ist es eine Stunde hinter den anderen östlichen Zuständen während dieser Periode. Jedoch Broken Hill, eine Stadt im westlichen NSW, hält Südaustralier Zeit. In der Mitte sind Südaustralien und das Nordterritorium eine halbe Stunde hinten während des Winters, aber das Nordterritorium beobachtet nicht das Tageslicht, während Südaustralien tut. Während des Tageslichts South Australia bleibt eine halbe Stunde hinter New South Wales, Victoria und Tasmanien, sondern bewegt sich eine halbe Stunde vor Queensland. Das Northern Territory bleibt eine halbe Stunde hinter Queensland, bewegt sich aber eineinhalb Stunden hinter New South Wales, Victoria und Tasmanien. Im Westen, Western Australia ist zwei Stunden hinter den östlichen Staaten im Winter, und auch nicht beobachten Sommerzeit. Es bewegt sich drei Stunden hinter den östlichen Staaten, die Sommerzeit beobachten (zwei Stunden hinter Queensland bleiben). Es gibt keine offiziellen Abkürzungen oder Namen für australische Zeitzonen, und Sie können sehen, ein paar Variationen verwendet. EST, CST, WST zusammen mit EDT, CDT werden manchmal verwendet. Manchmal AEST, usw., mit dem Präfix A, das sie von den nordamerikanischen Zeitzonen mit den gleichen Namen unterscheidet. Im Gespräch werden die Abkürzungen arent verwendet. Menschen neigen dazu, Sydney Zeit zu sagen. Brisbane Zeit. Oder Perth-Zeit. Erwarten Sie leere stares von den meisten, wenn Sie anfangen, über Central Summer Time zu sprechen. In den Staaten, die die Sommerzeit beobachten, beginnt sie am ersten Sonntag im Oktober und endet am ersten Sonntag im April. Sommerzeit New South Wales und Australian Capital Territory (Canberra) (NSW) amp (ACT) New South Wales ist Australias bevölkerungsreichsten Staat. Die Hafenstadt von Sydney ist Australias größte Stadt. Die Küste von New South Wales ist mit Strand Seiten Gemeinden gesäumt, jeder bietet Erfahrungen für den Reisenden. Ein wenig im Landesinneren sind die Berge der Blue Mountains und Snowy Mountains. Sowie die Hauptstadt gebaut Hauptstadt von Canberra. Ausgeschnitten aus New South Wales. Weiter im Landesinneren erwarten Sie immer noch kehrende Ebenen, von der Landwirtschaft abwendend, um das weitere Binnenland zu verlassen, das Sie wagen. Northern Territory (NT) Von den roten Wüsten um Uluru und Alice Springs bis zu den Tropen von Darwin und Kakadu Nationalpark. Ist das Northern Territory atemberaubend schön und leichter zugänglich als man denkt. Queensland (QLD) Berühmt für sein sonniges warmes Wetter, bietet Queensland Küsten Erkundung von der Vibe der Gold Coast zu den Tropen des Great Barrier Reef in der belebten Stadt Brisbane. Es ist auch die Heimat tropischer Regenwälder des Daintree Nationalparks. Und die Inselresorts der Whitsundays. Inland liegt die Bereiche des Hinterlandes, und weiter auf den weiten Weiten und Schönheit des Outback Australien. South Australia (SA) Berühmt für die feinen Weine des Barossa Valley. Die Schönheit der Flinders Ranges und das Outback, die Tierwelt und Natur auf Kangaroo Island und die Strände und Veranstaltungen und Kultur der Stadt der Kirchen. Adelaide. Tasmanien (TAS) Vom Festland durch die Bassstraße getrennt, hat Tasmanien eine schroffe Schönheit von Cradle Mountain und dem Westen, den Stränden des Ostens und der kompletten Wildnis im Süden. Hobart war der Ort der zweiten europäischen Siedlung in Australien, und viele historische Stätten sind gut erhalten. Die Insel verfügt über gut ausgebaute Einrichtungen für Reisende. Victoria (VIC) Kleine, lebendige und mit etwas für jedermann, Victoria hat dramatische Surfstrände entlang der Südwesten und zentralen Küste, grüne rollenden Ackerland und photogenic Nationalparks. Die Vielfalt der ländlichen Victoria ist sehr leicht zugänglich, zum Teil durch seine Größe und gut befahrenen Straßen. Australien und Victorias Sport, Shopping, Mode und Essen Hauptstadt ist Melbourne. Western Australia (WA) Ein großer Staat. Der Südwesten enthält die Landeshauptstadt und die Großstadt Perth, umgeben von der Wildblume, dem Weinbau und den malerischen Orten der Margaret River und Albany. Im hohen Norden befinden sich die Tropen und das Strandziel von Broome. Kleine Gemeinden, Straßenhütten, Bergbaugemeinden und Nationalparks verstreut um die langen Distanzen zwischen. Inseln bearbeiten Lord Howe Island - Zwei Stunden Flugzeit von Sydney, mit einer ständigen Bevölkerung und entwickelten Einrichtungen. (Teil von New South Wales) Norfolk-Insel - Direktflüge von der Ostküste und von Auckland. Ständige Bevölkerung und entwickelte Einrichtungen. Weihnachtsinsel - berühmt für seine rote Krabbenmigration. Flüge von Perth und Kuala Lumpur. Entwicklungseinrichtungen. Kokos-Inseln - Korallen-Atolle, besiedelt, zugänglich durch Flüge von Perth, mit einigen Einrichtungen für die Reise. Torres Strait Islands - zwischen Cape York und Papua-Neuguinea, haben die meisten Inseln einige Reisende Einrichtungen, sondern erfordern die Erlaubnis der traditionellen Besitzer zu besuchen. Flüge von Cairns. Ashmore und Cartier Islands - unbewohnt mit keine entwickelten Reisenden Einrichtungen. Korallenmeerinseln - weitgehend unbewohnt, ohne entwickelte Reisende. Heard Island und McDonald Islands - unbewohnte Inseln über 4000km vom australischen Festland entfernt. Macquarie Island - Eine australische Antarktis Basis, auf halbem Weg in die Antarktis. Keine Einrichtungen für Reisende. Kangaroo Island - Die drittgrößte Insel Australiens und ein Paradies für Natur - und Tierliebhaber. Städte edit Canberra die zweckgebaute nationale Hauptstadt von Australien Adelaide die Weinkapitol der Welt, eine entspannte südaustralische Alternative zu den großen östlichen Städten Brisbane Hauptstadt der sonnenverwöhnten Queensland und Tor zu schönen Sandstränden Cairns Tor zum Great Barrier Reef, Port Douglas, Daintree National Park und viele schöne Strände und Resorts ein großartiger Ort für Menschen zu Flucht und Entspannung Darwin Australias tropischen nördlichen Hauptstadt, am oberen Ende des Northern Territory Hobart malerischen und ruhigen Hauptstadt von Tasmanien, der Ort der zweiten Melbourne Australias zweitgrößte Stadt, Melbourne ist eine große Sport-, Einkaufs-und kulturelle Hauptstadt ist es als Australias die meisten europäischen Stadt im Stil Perth die abgelegenste kontinentale Hauptstadt auf der Erde, an der südwestlichen Rand von Western Australia Sydney angesehen Hafen, mit der Skyline der Stadt und Harbour Bridge, von Kiribilli bei Nacht angesehen Sydney Australias älteste und größte Stadt, berühmt für seinen malerischen Hafen Andere Reiseziele bearbeiten Blue Mountains eine bergige Region in New South Wales, einschließlich der Three Sisters Dandenong Ranges diese schönen Bereiche bieten Weltklasse-Gärten und die malerischen Dörfer des Berges. Dandenong Great Barrier Reef vor der Küste von Queensland, leicht zugänglich von Cairns, und sogar so weit südlich der Stadt von 1770 Great Ocean Road eine spektakuläre Küstenfahrt in Victoria vorbei an vielen szenischen Ikonen einschließlich der 12 Apostel Kakadu Nationalpark Outback Abenteuerreise, Aboriginal Kultur und Natur Aktivitäten im Northern Territory Nitmiluk National Park die erstaunliche Katherine Gorge, in der Nähe der Stadt Katherine Sunshine Coast und Gold Coast Strand und Nationalpark Spielplätze im Norden und Süden von Brisbane Uluru-Kata Tjuta Nationalpark Uluru (auch bekannt als Ayers Rock ) Und Kata Tjuta (die Olgas) sind ikonische Felsformationen im Roten Zentrum Watarrka Nationalpark berühmt für Kings Canyon, eine mächtige Schlucht, die eine Tiefe von 270 Metern erreicht Wilsons Prom - herrliche weiße Sandstrände und Felsformationen. Große landschaftliche Wanderungen aber natürlichen Busch zu versteckten Stränden, alle sehr machbar in einem Tag zu Fuß, während die gleichen ein Lager über Nacht auf dem Weg. Phillip Island - Ort der Fee Penquin Parade jeden Abend In Bearbeitung Alle Besucher - abgesehen von den Bürgern von Neuseeland - benötigen ein Visum im Vorfeld der Reise. Wenn Sie einen Urlaub von weniger als drei Monaten besuchen, gibt es je nach Nationalität drei Arten von Visa: eVisitor (Unterklasse 651) für Bürger der 31 EWR-Länder sowie Bürger von Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Schweiz und Vatikanstadt. Diese Visa sind frei, aber ansonsten effektiv identisch mit der ETA. Sie müssen sich online bewerben. Elektronische Reisebehörde (ETA) (Unterklasse 601) ist online verfügbar für Staatsangehörige von Brunei. Kanada. Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong. Japan. Malaysia. Singapur. Südkorea (ROK) und Vereinigte Staaten. Die Bürger einiger eVisitor-berechtigten Länder und Bürger von Taiwan können sich auch für die ETA bewerben, sondern nur über ein Reisebüro, eine Fluggesellschaft, einen spezialisierten Dienstleister oder ein australisches Visa-Büro außerhalb Australiens. Es gilt eine Servicegebühr von AUD20. Diese Gebühr kann verzichtet werden, wenn Sie Ihre ETA durch ein Reisebüro erhalten. Allerdings gibt es Online-Dienste, die viel mehr, so viel wie doppelt, für die ETA. Wenn Sie on-line anwenden, bleiben Sie mit dem Regierungsdienst, um Geld zu sparen. Online Visitor Visum (Unterklasse e600). Inhaber von Pässen aller ETA - und eVisitor-förderungsberechtigten Länder sowie die folgenden 27 förderfähigen Länder Algerien. Argentinien. Bahrain. Weißrussland. Brasilien. Chile. Ägypten. Mazedonien. Kasachstan. Kuwait. Libyen. Malediven. Mikronesien. Moldawien. Montenegro. Marokko. Nauru. Oman. Papua-Neuguinea. Katar. Saudi Arabien. Serbien. Sudan Tunesien. Truthahn. UAE und Ukraine können Visumanträge online stellen. Die Gebühr hierfür beträgt AUD 130. Besuchervisum (Unterklasse 600). Andere Nationalitäten müssen mit dem Papier Formular, und müssen möglicherweise eine Botschaft oder Visa Processing Center zu besuchen. Wie die ETA und eVisitor, ist ein 600 Visum standardmäßig für einen dreimonatigen Aufenthalt ausgestellt. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Optionen, kann ein 600 Visum für längeren Aufenthalt von bis zu einem Jahr ausgestellt werden. Das heißt, Einwanderung ist etwas zögern, Touristenvisa für mehr als drei Monate zu genehmigen, egal wie legitim Ihre Gründe für den Aufenthalt so lange. Sie werden wahrscheinlich um umfangreiche Nachweise über den Grund für Ihren Besuch und Ihre Beziehungen zu Ihrem Herkunftsland gebeten und müssen möglicherweise an einem Interview teilnehmen. Abhängig von Ihrer Staatsangehörigkeit kann die Botschaft oder Visum-Bearbeitungszentrum auch verlangen, dass Sie einen australischen Sponsor vor der Ausstellung des Visums haben. Die Gebühr beträgt AUD130.In den meisten Fällen werden elektronische Reisebehörden und eVisitors sofort genehmigt und das Visum wird ausgestellt und zur sofortigen Verwendung zur Verfügung. Staatsangehörige bestimmter Länder, wie Bulgarien und Rumänien und andere osteuropäische EU-Mitgliedsstaaten, werden selten eVisitor-Visum ausgestellt und müssen zusätzliche Unterlagen vorlegen. Wenn Sie Australien für Beschäftigung, Studium oder für medizinische Behandlung besuchen, müssen Sie das entsprechende Visum erhalten. Wenn Sie länger als 3 Monate ununterbrochen bleiben, sind Sie nicht für eine ETA oder eVisitor berechtigt und sollten ein Visitor Visa (Unterklasse 600) beantragen. Für alle Besucher Visum Klassen müssen Sie in der Lage sein, Ihre Fähigkeit, sich finanziell unterstützen für die Zeit, die Sie beabsichtigen, in Australien zu verbringen demonstrieren. Wenn Sie eine kriminelle Überzeugung haben, erhalten Sie Rat von der australischen Botschaft oder Visumbearbeitungszentrum. Alle Gebühren sind zahlbar in australischen Dollar, umgerechnet in Ihre Landeswährung zum aktuellen Wechselkurs. Neuseeländische Staatsangehörige können ohne vorher vereinbartes Visum für längere Zeit in Australien reisen und dort arbeiten. Nichtstaatsangehörige mit Wohnsitz in Neuseeland sind nicht für einen visafreien Einlass berechtigt. Neuseeländische Staatsangehörige können weiterhin aufgrund strafbarer Verurteilungen oder wegen HIV-positiver Einreise abgelehnt werden und sollten vor Reiseantritt Rat suchen. Zoll und Quarantäne bearbeiten Australien hat strenge Quarantäneanforderungen bezüglich der Einfuhr von tierischen und pflanzlichen Folgeprodukten (Nahrungsmittel, Holzprodukte, Samen usw.). Sie müssen erklären, alle diese Materialien und Gepäck wird häufig gescannt und kann von Hunden untersucht werden. Sie können eine Geldbuße von 220 an Ort und Stelle, wenn Sie nicht erklären, oder sogar in sehr schweren Fällen verfolgt werden. Verarbeitete und versiegelte, kommerziell hergestellte Lebensmittel (Schokolade, Kekse usw.) sind oft erlaubt. Sie werden geprüft und an Sie zurückgesandt, müssen aber noch deklariert werden. Einige verbotene Gegenstände können auf Ihre Kosten mit Quarantäne behandelt und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt abgeholt werden. Einige Schalen, Korallen und Gegenstände aus einer geschützten Art sind auch verboten, den Handel mit Gegenständen zu entmutigen, die aus einem bedrohten Ökosystem oder einer Art stammen können. Während es keine Beschränkungen für die Menge an Geld, die in oder aus gebracht werden können, australischen Zoll verlangt auch Sie zu erklären, wenn Sie bringen AUD10,000 (oder gleichwertig in fremder Währung) oder mehr in oder aus dem Land und Sie werden Aufgefordert werden, einige Papiere abzuschließen. Mit dem Flugzeug bearbeiten Australien ist ein langer Weg von irgendwoanders in der Welt, so dass für die meisten Besucher, die einzige praktische Möglichkeit, sich in Australien ist auf dem Luftweg. Approximately half of all international travellers arrive first in Australia in Sydney, the largest city, (IATA. SYD ). After Sydney, significant numbers of travellers also arrive in Australia in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. There are also direct international services into Adelaide, Cairns, Darwin, the Gold Coast and Christmas Island though these are largely restricted to flights from New Zealand, Oceania, or Southeast Asia. To Sydney it is a 3 hour flight from New Zealand, a 7-11h flight from countries in Asia, a 14 hour flight from the west of the United States and Canada, a 14 hour flight from Johannesburg. a 13-16h flight from South America. and up to a 24h flight from western Europe. On account of long journey times from some destinations, some travellers from Europe opt to have a stop-over, commonly in Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai. Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur. If you have to change to a domestic flight in a gateway city, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth all have distinct domestic terminals, requiring some time and complexity to transit, check the guides. Melbourne, Adelaide, Darwin, Cairns and the Gold Coast have all gates in the one terminal building or within easy walking distance of each other. Discount airlines edit There are some routes into Australia that are operated by discount airlines. These can often be combined with other fares to make getting to Australia cheaper. Select your point of entry and exit to give you a cheaper round-trip, and possibly some interesting stopover opportunities on the way. Air Asia X . flies into the Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Adelaide from Kuala Lumpur, at often deeply discounted fares. You can save money from Europe if having a stopover in Malaysia. Sometimes this is possible also stopping in Bangkok. Air Asia Indonesia flies into Darwin and Perth from Denpasar. Indonesia Scoot flies into Gold Coast, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney from Singapore. Tiger flies from Singapore to Perth. Jetstar Airways flies to Hawaii and several Asian destinations, including Denpasar, Osaka. Phuket. Ho Chi Minh. via Darwin, and also operates a substantial Asian regional hub in Singapore. Virgin Australia flies between Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, and Los Angeles. and competes strongly with Qantas and Delta on these routes. By boat edit November to February is the cruising season, and there are usually about 10 ships that arrive in Australia from other countries during this time. You can cruise to Australia, and then fly home. Holland America Line, Princess Cruises and Royal Caribbean, all offer cruises to Australia across the Pacific. Alternatively, you may sail to Australia in your own yacht, but beware of customs regulations. See Australian Customs for details By overland transport edit There was a time when a couple of tour operators offered overland trips from London to Sydney, with only a short hop by air from South East Asia to North Western Australia while the bus went by barge. Currently, the only such tour operator is Madventure which runs 4 different routes: 26 weeks through Iran, Pakistan, amp India 26 weeks through the Caucasus and Central Asia 64 weeks around Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia and 64 weeks through Africa, the Middle East, the Caucasus, amp Central Asia. For those determined to travel overland as much as possible from Europe, you can travel independently to Singapore from Europe by train andor bus on scheduled services, and fly from there to Perth (3,500 flight kilometres). For the truly determined overland traveller, you can get a ferry from Singapore to Indonesia and make your way across to Bali, where you can fly to Darwin (2,000 flight km). For the intrepid, ferries to West Timor, a bus to Dili and a flight to Darwin will mean only 700 km in the air. Get around edit Australia is huge but sparsely populated, and you can sometimes travel many hours before finding the next trace of civilisation, especially once you leave the south-eastern coastal fringe. Almost all modern Australian maps, including street directories, use the Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) as their grid reference, which is for all purposes identical to the WGS84 used by the GPS. You can locate most things on an Australian map or street directory if you just have the GPS coordinates. Quarantine edit There are restrictions on carrying fruit and vegetables (including honey) between states and even between regions of states that are involved in fruit growing. If you are driving long distances or interstate, or flying between states, dont stock up on fruits and vegetables. These restrictions are enforced very strictly at airports and sea ports and it is not very uncommon to see sniffer dogs trained to find these goods. By car edit Australia has a generally well-maintained system of roads and highways, and cars are a commonly used method of transport. Most of the state capitals are linked to each other by good quality highways. Some parts are dual carriageway but many sections are one lane each way. Major regional areas have sealed (paved) dual-lane roads, but isolated areas may have poorly maintained dirt roads or even tracks. Distances and speeds are specified in kilometres and fuel is sold by the litre. There are no tolls on roads or bridges outside of the urban areas of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Australia drives on the left. Overseas visitors who are used to driving on the right should take care when they first drive, and again when they are driving on country roads with little traffic. One major frustration for visitors is that many Australian vehicles reverse all controls when they are redesigned to mount the drivers controls on the right front seat, including the levers on the steering column . This causes newly arrived visitors to inadvertently operate the windscreen wipers when they are trying to signal a lane change or turn on headlights, and vice versa. Generally, overseas licenses are valid for driving in Australia for three months after arrival. If the licence is not in English an International Driving Permit (IDP) is required in addition to your licence. Licensing regulations and road rules vary slightly from state to state. Australias low population density and large size makes for long driving times between major centres. Some indicative travel times, not including any rest periods, are: Melbourne to Sydney: 9-10 hours (900km 560160mi) Brisbane to Sydney: 12-13 hours (1,000km 621160mi) Perth to Sydney: 45 hours (4,000km 2500160mi) Sydney to Canberra: 3.5 hours (300km 185160mi) Adelaide to Melbourne: 8-10 hours (750km 465160mi) Brisbane to Melbourne: 19-20 hours (1,700km 1056160mi) Melbourne to Perth: 40 hours (3,500km 2175160mi) Perth to Adelaide: 32 hours (2,700km 1677160mi) Brisbane to Cairns: 22-24 hours (1,700km 1,056160mi) It is almost impossible to predict your travel time just by knowing the distance. Seek local advice for the best route, and how much time to allow. Averaging 100kmh or more is possible on some relatively minor highways when they are straight and there are few towns. On other national highways that traverse mountain ranges and travel through small towns, even averaging 60kmh can be a challenge. While major highways are well serviced, anyone leaving sealed (paved) roads in inland Australia is advised to take advice from local authorities, check weather and road conditions, carry sufficient spare fuel, spare parts, spare tyres, matches, food and water. Some remote roads might see one car per month or less. Cellular coverage is non-existent outside of major highways and towns and you should take some precautions in case of emergency. It is a good idea to advise a person you know and trust of your route and advise them to alert authorities if you do not contact them within a reasonable amount of time after your scheduled arrival at your destination. Carrying a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) or satellite phone should be considered when travelling in remote areas, especially where you may not be able to make contact for several days. Police will not automatically start looking for you if you dont report in. Make sure you get one with a GPS built in. These can be borrowed from some local police stations, such as those in the Blue Mountains in New South Wales. If you want to hire one, sort it out before you leave a major city, as you wont find hire places in small towns. Expect to pay around 100 to hire for a week, or 700 to buy one. Dont expect an immediate rescue even if you trigger a PLB. Heat and dehydration at any time of year can kill you. If stranded, stay with your vehicle and do what you can to improve your visibility from the air. Do not take this advice lightly even local people die out there when their car breaks down and they are not reported missing. If you do have to abandon your car (say you break down and then get a lift), call in quickly to the local police station, to avoid the embarrassment and cost of a search being started for you. Car rental edit Major cities around Australia have multiple outlets providing a wide range of rental vehicles from major international rental companies. In smaller towns car rental can be difficult to find. One way fees often apply from smaller regional outlets. Contractual restrictions Conditions upon the use of rental vehicles usually exist on travelling into or out of Western Australia and the Northern Territory or on the car ferries to Tasmania, Kangaroo Island and Fraser Island. Rental cars in capital cities usually have unlimited mileage. In small towns they usually only include 100km a day before a surcharge is applied. Some companies allow travel on any gazetted road, while others forbid travel on a graveldirt road unless you hire a four wheel drive. Always ensure you thoroughly check the vehicle for any damage, including all window glass and the roof panels, and document any found in detail with the renter before leaving the depot. You will need to have a licence written in English or an International Driving Permit (IDP) from your home country to drive anywhere in Australia. Check the contract conditions carefully if you are under 25 and also check that your licence class matches the vehicle you wish to rent before you book it. Camper vans edit Budget car and camper rentals edit Catering to the vast number of young European and American backpackers traversing the country are several low-budget car rental companies which rent cars and campers of varying quality. Prices range from as low as 30 per day. Check the extra charges very carefully and make sure that you dont end up paying the same or more for a lesser quality vehicle. The very cheapest cars you can hire can be manual (stick-shift). Anything larger will usually be automatic. Car purchase edit There is a substantial second hand market in cars and campers for backpackers wishing to do extended road trips around Australia. Take common sense precautions if purchasing a car. Free state government services are available to ensure it is unencumbered by a finance arrangement and that it has not been previously written off as a result of an accident. By plane edit Due to the large distances involved, flying is well-patronised in Australia. Services along the main business travel corridor (Melbourne-Sydney-Brisbane) are run almost like a bus service, with flights leaving every 15min during the day. The only way to get the best airfare is to visit each of the airlines pages directly, and compare fares. Never assume that the Qantas fare will be more expensive, as their online deals are often the cheapest available on a route. The best fares are always available on the most competitive routes. Consolidator websites and travel agents almost invariably add a surcharge to the direct booking price. Use them to compare, but always check the airline website before booking. There are four domestic airlines in Australia that operate jet aircraft linking capital cities and major destinations: Qantas . a nation-wide full service airline, flys to major cities and some larger regional towns Virgin Australia . recently upgraded to a full service airline, flys to all capital cities and many larger regional destinations. Virgin have recently offered a complimentary snack on all domestic flights and checked baggage included in even the minimum fare class Jetstar . Qantass discount arm with limited service and limited pre-assigned seating. Serves all capital cities and many major regional and tourist destinations. Tiger Airways Australia . one of Asias largest low cost carrier (LCC) has a hub in Melbourne and flies to all other capital cities and select destinations with very competitive prices. On 2 July 2011 Tiger Airways Australia was suspended from flying by Australian civil aviation authorities due to safety concerns. Tiger recommenced operations on 12 August 2011 but with a much reduced schedule and a smaller operational aircraft fleet. Several airlines service regional destinations. Expect discounts on these airlines to be harder to come by, and for standard airfares to be above what you would pay for the same distance between major centres. Qantaslink 1. the regional arm of Qantas, covering the smaller cities in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia Regional Express 2. covering larger towns amp cities on the eastern seaboard as well as country South Australia Skywest 3. covering regional Western Australia, Bali and Darwin Airnorth 4. covering the Northern Territory Skytrans Airlines 5. covering regional Queensland. Sharp Airlines 6. covering several regional towns in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. Northern Territory Air Services 7. covering the remote communities of central Australia. By train edit Visitors from countries with well-developed long distance rail systems such as Europe and Japan may be surprised by the lack of high-speed, inter-city rail services in Australia. A historical lack of cooperation between the states, combined with sheer distances and a relatively small population to service, have left Australia with a national rail network that is relatively slow and used mainly for freight. As a result, travel between major cities will not only be faster by air, but often cheaper as well. Train travel between cities is, however, more scenic, and tourists are likely to see more of Australia travelling by train than they would otherwise see, as well as cutting down on their carbon footprint. It is also often a cost effective way of getting to regional towns and cities, which dont have the frequent and cheap flights found between the capital cities. The long-distance rail services that do exist are mainly used to link regional townships with the state capital, such as Bendigo to Melbourne, or Cairns to Brisbane. In Queensland, a high speed train operates from Brisbane to Rockhampton and Brisbane to Cairns. Queensland also has passenger services to inland centres including Longreach ( The Spirit of the Outback ), Mount Isa ( The Inlander ), Charleville ( The Westlander ) and Forsayth ( The Savannahlander ). There are also inter-city train services operated by Great Southern Railways on the routes Melbourne-Adelaide ( The Overland ), Sydney-Adelaide-Perth ( Indian Pacific ), Adelaide-Alice Springs-Darwin ( The Ghan ) however as noted above, these are not high speed services, so if you do not enjoy train travel as part of your holiday in its own right then this is probably not for you. Tasmania has no passenger rail services. The Northern Territory has the rail line linking Darwin to Adelaide through Alice Springs only, and the Australian Capital Territory has only a single railway station close to the centre of Canberra. Long distance train operators edit Great Southern Railways 8. A private train operator running tourist train services, The Ghan, The Indian Pacific and The Overland between Sydney, Broken Hill. Adelaide, Alice Springs, Darwin, Perth and Melbourne. CountryLink 9 - Links Sydney to Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra, and regional connections to most New South Wales towns, including Dubbo. Coffs Harbour. and Wagga Wagga . VLine Passenger 10 - Train amp coach services in Victoria, including combined Train and Coach services between Melbourne and Adelaide, Melbourne and Canberra. Queensland Rail - Traveltrain 11 - Long distance passenger train services in Queensland The Savannahlander 12 - A Queenstrain service that links Cairns with the outback town of Forsayth. using old heritage trains, and providing overnight accommodation and tours on the way. TransWA 13 - State government run, operating train services to Kalgoorlie and Bunbury. Also operates coach services to much of the state, especially the South West. Rail passes edit There is no pass that includes all train travel throughout Australia. However, if you are a train buff that intends travelling extensively by rail, there are some passes that may save you money. Plan your trip carefully before investing in a rail pass. Country train services are infrequent and can arrive at regional destinations at unsociable hours. East Coast Discovery Pass 14. Get on and off as many times as you like on the east coast trains between Melbourne and Cairns using the Queensland Rail and NSW Countrylink services. Different prices apply depending on which section of the line you want to traverse. One way travel only is permitted. Discounts apply on other train journeys, and often bus connections to local towns are included. This ticket is available to everyone, but international visitors can get a 10 discount. Youll want to be breaking your journey between capital cities several times to get value from this pass. There are four passes that all include Great Southern Railways (GSR) services and optionally NSW Countrylink and Queensland Rail that are available to overseas travellers only. Remember that NSW Countrylink operate the XPT services from Sydney to Melbourne, so passes that include NSW Countrylink can also be used on that service. Rail Explorer Pass . GSR only (4503 months) Trans Aus . GSR NSW Countrylink. (5983 months) Aus Reef and Outback . GSR Queensland Rail. (6723 months) Ausrail Pass . GSR NSW Countrylink Queensland Rail Local public transport edit Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Wollongong and Newcastle have train and bus services integrated into the city public transport, with trams also running in Melbourne and Adelaide, and ferries in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. The remaining capital cities have bus services only. See those city guides articles for public transport details. Some regional cities and towns have local bus services, but see the destination guides for service information, as frequency can be poor and weekend and evening services non-existent. Larger towns and cities have taxi services. By motorail edit Some trains allow you to carry your car with you on special car carriages attached to the back of the train. The Ghan and the Indian Pacific allow you to transport cars between Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Alice Springs, Perth, and Darwin. You cannot remove your car at any of the intermediate stations. Queensland Rail have motorail services on the Sunlander and the Spirit of the Outback, allow cars from Brisbane to Cairns and Longreach. By bus edit Bus travel in Australia is cheap and convenient, although the distances involved can be daunting. Greyhound has the largest bus route network. Firefly Express. 1300 730 740 ( 61 3 8318-0318 - international callers. enquiriesfireflyexpress. au ), 15. Firefly Express has services connecting Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. 160edit Greyhound. 1300 473 946 (infogreyhound. au ), 16. Greyhound travels to over 1100 destinations in Australia daily every day of the year. It has a variety of ticketing options allow you to travel at your own pace, hopping on and off as many times as your ticket allows. 160edit Murrays. 13 22 51 (reservationsmurrays. au ), 17. Murrays has services connecting Canberra with Sydney, the NSW South Coast and snowfields. 160edit Australia Wide Coaches. 02 9516 1300 (infoaustwidecoaches. au ), 18. Australia Wide Coaches run daily services connecting Sydney with, the NSW South Coast and beyond. 160edit By boat edit Many major Australian cities have ferries as part of their public transport system. Some smaller roads in the regional areas still have punts to carry cars across rivers and canals. The islands of the Barrier Reef have some scheduled services, and there are a few cruises that cross the top of Australia as well. However, large inter city transportation ferry services are not common. The Spirit of Tasmania. The only long distance ferry route connects Tasmania to the mainland and runs between Melbourne and Devonport. The Spirit of Tasmania carries cars and passengers on the route across Bass Strait daily. Sealink connects Kangaroo Island, Australias second largest southern island with regular car and passenger ferries. Sea SA offers a short cut across the Spencer Gulf between Adelaide and the Eyre Peninsula. running daily car ferry services. By thumb edit It is legal to hitchhike in some states in Australia, so long as certain guidelines are followed. However, it is less commonly done than in neighbouring New Zealand. In Australia hitchhiking is often frowned upon by locals and police, especially in metropolitan areas. Hitch hiking is illegal in Victoria and Queensland. It is also illegal to stand on the verge or walk along freeways (often called motorways in New South Wales) in all states (effectively making hitchhiking illegal in many practical places, in all states). If forced to hitchhike due to an emergency you may find a motorist willing to take you to the nearest town to obtain help. (Some major inter-city highways and freeways have telephones to request help.) Its most common to see a tourist hitching in rural areas. The best time to hitchhike is early morning. The best location is near, but not on, the main exit from the town you are in. By bicycle edit Cycling the long distances between towns is not particularly common, and most long distance highways in Australia have poorly developed facilities for cyclists. Nevertheless some intrepid travellers do manage to cover the longer distances by bicycle, and have a different experience of Australia. Trips and routes need careful planning to ensure the correct supplies are carried. To cycle between Sydney and Brisbane you would have to allow 2-3 weeks with around 80-100km per day. See edit add listing There is much to see in Australia that you cant see easily in its natural setting anywhere else: Wildlife edit Australian flora and fauna is unique to the island, the result of having been isolated from the rest of the world for millions of years. Amongst Australian animals are a large group of marsupials (mammals with a pouch) and monotremes (mammals that lay eggs). Just some of the animal icons of Australia are the kangaroo (national symbol) and the koala. A visit to Australia would not be complete without taking the chance to see some of these animals in their natural environment. Wildlife parks and zoos edit Wildlife parks and zoos are in every capital city, but also check out the animal parks if you are passing through smaller towns, like Mildura or Mogo. or staying on Hamilton Island. See the Warrawong Fauna Sanctuary if you are in South Australia, or visit the koalas with best view in the world, at Taronga Zoo in Sydney. In the wild edit Kangaroos in Australia Kangaroos and wallabies reside in national parks all around the country. You wont see any kangaroos hopping down the street in Central Sydney. but they are common on the outskirts of most urban areas. There is also a famous group which make their home on the of grounds of the University of the Sunshine Coast, in Queensland. Wombats and echidna are also common, but harder to find due to their camouflage and tunnelling. See lots of echidnas on Kangaroo Island. Koalas are present in forests around Australia, but are very notoriously hard to spot, and walking around looking upwards into the boughs of trees will usually send you sprawling over a tree root. Best seen during the day, there is a thriving and friendly population on Raymond Island near Paynesville in Victoria. You have a good chance on Otway Coast, on the Great Ocean Road. or even in the National Park walk near Noosa on the Sunshine Coast. Emu are more common in central Australia. You will certainly see some if you venture to the outback national park at Currawinya Platypus are found in reedy flowing creeks with soft river banks in Victoria, Southern New South Wales, and the very southern region of Queensland - seen at dusk and dawn - you have to have a bit of luck to see one. Try the platypus reserves in Bombala or Delegate in New South Wales, or in Emu Creek at Skipton just out of Ballarat . Landmarks edit Australia has many landmarks, famous the world over. From Uluru in the red centre, to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House in Sydney. The unusual edit Sports edit Sport is an integral part of the Australian culture from the capital cities to country towns. The majority of games are played over the weekend period (from Friday night to Monday night). In the winter in Victoria Aussie Rules (Australian Rules Football) is more than just a sport, it is a way of life. Catch a game at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. The Australian Football League is a national competition with teams from Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, and the Gold Coast, but roughly half of the teams (and hence, most of the matches) are Melbourne-based. In summer, international cricket is played between Australia and at least two touring sides. The games rotate around all the capital cities. To experience the traditional game catch a day of the New Years test match at the Sydney Cricket Ground, usually beginning on January 2nd, or the Boxing Day Test match at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Whilst test matches last for up to five days, many spectators attend just one day, or watch from the comfort of their own home. For a more lively and entertaining form more suited to those unfamiliar with the sport, try a Twenty20 match, which only takes a few hours. Only a handful of international T20 matches are played each year, with no more than one per city, but the domestic Big Bash League runs throughout the summer, providing more frequent spectating opportunities. A third form is One Day Cricket, with international matches generally starting at 13:00 and finishing at 22:00 or 23:00 (a Day-Nighter), with most domestic and occasional international matches played from 11:00 to 18:00. The Australia Day One Day International is usually held in Adelaide on 26 January. The Australian Open, one of the tennis Grand Slams, is played annually in Melbourne. Or the Medibank International in Sydney Olympic Park in January. Catch a rugby union Super Rugby game, with teams playing from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney during late SummerAutumn. The Australian national team, the Wallabies, also host international teams during winter, including New Zealand, South Africa and (starting in 2012) Argentina for The Rugby Championship (formerly the Tri Nations tournament). Rugby League is the dominant winter sport in New South Wales and Queensland. The National Rugby League (NRL) competition includes teams from Melbourne in Victoria, Brisbane, North Queensland and the Gold Coast in Queensland, a team from New Zealand, with the rest of the teams coming from suburban areas in Sydney, and some in regional areas of New South Wales such as Newcastle and Canberra. Aside from the NRL Grand Final, Rugby Leagues centrepiece is an annual series of three State of Origin games played between New South Wales and Queensland. Netball is Australias largest female sport, and there are weekly games in an international competition between Australia and New Zealand teams. Football (Soccer) is a small event by European standards, but there is a national A-League, which is a fully professional league involving teams from Australia and one from New Zealand, with games played weekly during the summer. Most cities have a semi-professional state league played during winter, with most clubs being built around a specific ethnicmigrant community. Melbourne also hosts the Formula One Australian Grand Prix, which is run once a year. The 2013 race will take place between the 14th and 17th of March, with the main race on the 17th. Horse Racing - All major cities and most regional towns have their own courses and race betting is popular throughout the country. The annual Melbourne Cup is possibly the best known meet when most Victorians take a day off work to celebrate or attend. It is common to see some of the countrys top celebrities dressed in their finest in the stands. Itineraries edit Do edit add listing Australia is known for having some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Family Days Out. 19. Fun things for to do with the kids in Australia. 160edit Swim edit in the surf . Australia has seemingly endless sandy beaches. Follow the crowds to the world famous Bondi Beach in Sydney, or Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast. Or find a stretch all for yourself (but beware of dangerous rips on beaches, it is considerably safer to find a patrolled beach). The surf is smaller and warmer in the Tropical North, where the reef breaks the swell, and larger and colder in the south with waves rolling in from the Southern Ocean. (And yes, in the middle it is just right ). in calm tropical oceans . Cable Beach in Broome is swept pristine daily by the tide, has perfect sand, and warm water - go in winter. in thermal pools . South of Darwin there are many natural thermal pools such as Berry Springs amp Mataranka, surrounded by palms and tropical foliage. in freshwater lakes . Inland Australia tends to be dry, but there are freshwater lakes where you would least expect them. Explore inland of Cairns at the Atherton Tablelands, or head outback to the Currawinya National Park . in rivers . If its hot, and there is water, there will be a place to swim. Wherever you are, just ask around for the favourite swimming spot, with a waterhole and rope to swing on. Watch out for crocodiles. in man-made pools . The local swimming pool is often the hub of community life on a summer Sunday in the country towns of New South Wales and Victoria. Many of the beachside suburbs of Sydney have man made rock pools for swimming by the ocean beaches. on the beach . Find your spot by the water, and get out the towel. Tropical north in the winter, down south in the summer. As always when in Australia, protect yourself from the sun. Diving edit Snorkelling take a trip out to the Great Barrier Reef on the Queensland coast, or the Ningaloo Reef off the coast of Western Australia. Or take a trip out to Julian rocks off Byron Bay. or just dive in off the beach to see the tropical fish in Bundaberg . Scuba Diving Activities edit Bushwalking is a popular Australian activity. You can go bushwalking in the many National parks and Rainforests in the country. Golf Rock Climbing Mountain Biking . Try the trails in the Snowy Mountains or black mountain in Canberra, or cycle for days along the Munda Biddi Mountain Bike trail in Western Australia. Horse Riding . The horse has a rich tradition in the settlement of Australia since the arrival of the first European settlers. Relying on the horse to travel the vast distances and harsh environments of Australia was the foundation of a strong and lasting relationship between Australians and their horses. Today horse riding in Australia includes many recreational and occupational activities from cattle musters on vast stations, to the multi-million dollar racing industry. On the outskirts of towns and cities and out in the rural landscape, you will see the many pony paddocks and much loved horses that are a testament to the ongoing passion and commitment Australian horse owners have to their horses and the enjoyment they bring. Skiing. New South Wales and Victoria have well developed ski facilities. Tasmania can also have skiing for a few months of the year, given the right weather. See Winter sports in Australia Sky Diving . all around Australia Hot Air Ballooning . in Canberra, Brisbane or in the Red Centre . Gamble edit It has been said that if there are two flies crawling up a wall, then you just need to look around to find the Aussie who will be running a book. Casinos . Crown Casino in Melbourne is the largest in the Southern Hemisphere, nicely located at Southbank, but there are others scattered in every capital city as well as Cairns, Launceston. the Gold Coast and Townsville . Day at the races . All capital cities have horse racing every weekend, with on-track and off-track betting available, they are usually family occasions, and fashion and being seen are part of the event. Just about every pub in New South Wales will have a TAB, where you can place a bet without leaving your chair at the bar. Greyhound racing and trotting happens in the evenings, usually with smaller crowds, more beer, and less fashion. Smaller country towns have race meetings every few months or even annually. These are real events for the local communities, and see the smaller towns come to life. Head outback to the Birdsville races, or if you find the streets deserted it is probably ten past three on the first Tuesday in November (the running of the Melbourne cup). The unusual . The lizard races, cane toad races, camel races, crab races. Betting on these races is totally illegal, and at you will find the TIB (Totally Illegal Betting) around the back of the shed at the annual guinea pig races at Grenfell . Two up . If you are around for Anzac Day (25 April), then betting on coins thrown into the air will be happening at your local RSL club, wherever you are. Australia has almost a quarter of all the slot machines (locally known as pokies or poker machines) in the world, and more than half of these are located in New South Wales, where most pubs and clubs have gaming rooms (labelled VIP lounges for legal reasons) where one can have a slap and go for the feature. If none of this appeals, and you just have too much money in your pocket, every town and suburb in Australia has a TAB . Pick your sport, pick a winner, and hand over your money at the counter. Gambling is illegal for under-18s. This can often restrict entry to parts of pubs, clubs, and casinos for children. Talk edit Expect everyone in Australia to speak English. As Australia is a multicultural society, you will notice the presence of many other languages and accents. Australians who were born in Australia or immigrated as children will have an Australian accent. Australians who immigrated to Australia as adults will generally not have an Australian accent. The Australian accent is suprisingly easy to understand. There is very little regional variation across Australia, just expect people to speak broader and use more slang in rural areas. Australia is traditionally a land of immigrants, plus there are many people from all over the world working or studying in Australia, plus many backpackers and foreign tourists. Because of this, Australians are VERY used to speaking with others whos first language is not English or who are not used to the Australian accent. They will speak slower with you and are very aware of what is Australian-only vocabulary and slang and will avoid it. It is also worth noting many Australians of non-English speaking family backgrounds will generally always prefer to speak English with people outside their family. Even if they speak your language fluently at home or grew up with that language inside their home they will often pretend they cannot speak it with a visitor from that country. Australian slang should not present a problem for tourists except possibly in some isolated outback areas. A few words and euphemisms that are considered offensive elsewhere are common vernacular in Australian speech. Fanny, as in the UK, means vagina and is not used widely. The word thong generally refers to flip-flops in Australia, and not necessarily a G-string as it does in most other places. Still, Australians are familiar enough with the differences to know what you mean, but they may still have a laugh at your expense. Visitors who do not speak basic English will find communicating with Australians difficult, and should do some advance planning. There are some tour companies who specialise in offering package deals for Australian tours complete with guides who speak particular languages. There are over a hundred Aboriginal languages still known and spoken by Aboriginal people. These languages are all different, and you wont see an Aboriginal phrasebook in the travel bookshops. Many Aboriginal place names derive from Aboriginal languages that have been lost, and their meanings remain uncertain. Aboriginal people living in rural Aboriginal communities continue to speak their respective languages. The Torres Strait Islander people, who originate from a group of islands in northern Queensland near Papua New Guinea also continue to speak their own languages. Almost all Aboriginal people speak English as well, although some elders may not be fluent. The standard sign language in Australia is Auslan (a contraction of Australian Sign Language), a member of the British Sign Language (BSL) family. Another closely related language is New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL). When interpreters are present for public events, they will use Auslan. Users of BSL or NZSL may be able to understand Auslan the languages share a significant amount of vocabulary and syntax, plus the same two-handed manual alphabet. By contrast, users of languages in the French Sign Language family, which includes American Sign Language and Irish Sign Language, will not be able to understand Auslan. Much of the vocabulary and syntax are different, and those languages use a one-handed manual alphabet. Buy edit add listing Currency edit Australia uses the Australian dollar (AUD) and the currency is symbolised locally as . There are 100 cents in every dollar. No other currency is officially accepted for transactions in Australia. (Although it was not unusual to find some of the older New Zealand coins in your change from time to time, it is now practically unheard of since New Zealand completely overhauled and resized its coinage. It no longer matches the size of Australian coins.) The coin denominations are 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, 1 and 2. The Australian coins are large and heavy relative to their value. For example, the Australian ten cent coin is the size of a US 25 cent coin and the Australian fifty cent coin is among the largest circulating coins anywhere in the world by size. The note denominations are 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100. Australian notes are produced in plastic polymer rather than paper. If the total of a transaction is not a multiple of 5 cents the amount will be rounded to the nearest five cents if you are paying in cash. The exact amount will be charged if paying by card. Old paper notes or bronze 1c and 2c coins will be exchanged at a bank but will be difficult at shops. The dollar is not pegged to any other currency, and is highly traded on world foreign exchange markets, particularly by currency speculators. Its exchange value to other currencies can be quite volatile, and 1-2 changes in a day are a reasonably common occurrences. Money changers in Australia operate in a free market, and charge a range of flat commissions, percentage fees, undisclosed fees built into the exchange rate, and a combination of all three. Generally the best bet is to avoid airports and tourist centres when changing money, and use banks in major centres. Expect fees to vary considerably between institutions. Always get a quote before changing money. When arriving in Australia with more than AUD10,000 in any currency you must declare it to customs on the arrival card and complete paperwork you will be provided. Cash edit Cash dispensing Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are available in almost every Australian town. Australian ATMs are deregulated and may impose a surcharge over what is charged by your bank or card issuer. The fees can vary between institutions and between locations, but are usually around 2. The ATM will display the charges and you will have the option to stop the transaction before you are charged. Check with your bank as to what additional fees they apply to withdrawals in Australia. Dedicated currency exchange outlets are widely available in major cities, and banks can also exchange most non-restricted currencies. These exchange outlets - especially the ones at the airport - can charge 10 over the best exchange that can be obtained from shopping around. Australian banks usually offer an exchange rate around 2.5 from the current exchange midpoint. A flat commission of 5-8 can be charged on top. Some outlets advertise commission free exchange, usually accompanied by a worse rate of exchange. Dont assume every bank will offer the same exchange. A simple calculation will let you know what offers the best deal for amount you wish to exchange. There are vouchers for commission free exchange at American Express available in the tourist brochure at Sydney Airport. There is also no need to arrive in Australia with cash if you have a Cirrus, Maestro, MasterCard or Visa card: international airport terminals will have multiple teller machines that can dispense Australian currency with just the fees imposed by your bank plus the ATM fee. Credit cards edit Credit cards are widely accepted in Australia. Almost all large vendors such as supermarkets accept cards, as do many, but not all, small stores. Australian debit cards can also be used via a system known as EFTPOS. Any card showing the Cirrus or Maestro logos can be used at any terminal displaying those logos. The use of credit or debit cards for transactions under about 5.00 is generally discouraged, and some stores may even have a minimum purchase amount to use a credit or debit card. Note that the term EFTPOS is often used to mean cards of any kind - so a sign in a shop indicating an EFTPOS minimum refers to credit and debit cards of any kind. VISA or MasterCard are commonly accepted and are both accepted everywhere credit cards are accepted. American Express and Diners Club are accepted at major supermarket and department store chains and many tourist destinations. JCB is only accepted at very limited tourist destinations. Discover is never accepted. Travelex sells prepaid Australian dollars creditdebit cards at airport locations with a 1 commission off what you load onto it. The big advantage here is you can bring Australian cash acquired at home through proper exchange channels and turn it into plastic with no exchange fees and minimal service charges without need for exchanging currency at the airport or carrying large amounts of cash everywhere. Excellent for security and you can get two cards with different numbers drawing from the same loaded money, allowing any two people to share a card on the same account. Other prepaid Australian dollar stored value cards bearing MasterCard or Visa emblems are available at larger post offices or grocery stores. Read terms and conditions closely, some can refund unused balances but only to an Australian bank account. Others you just have to spend it all in Australia or abroad. Travelex will refund unused balances for cash at airport locations for a 10.00 fee. Be careful using these cards for car hire. Agencies generally accept only cards with raised print for car hires and the name of the renter on it (prepaids do not have this). Even if you hire the car with a foreign card but settle the bill on return with a prepaid they often will not accept it, even with the other card as a backup. You will have to settle using the foreign card most of the time. Sometimes they dont pay attention and you get away with it but dont plan on it. Elsewhere these cards work everywhere MasterCardVisa are accepted without incident. Credit card surcharges are imposed at all car rental agencies, travel agents, airlines, and at some discount retailers and service stations. Surcharges are far more common for American Express and Diners Club (typically 2-4) than they are for VISA and Mastercard (typically 1.5). Costs edit Dorm accommodation in a capital city is around 30, but can run as low as 15 in Cairns or cheaper backpacker centres. A basic motel in the country or in the capital city suburbs would cost around 100 for a double. City Centre hotel accommodation in capital cities can be obtained for around 150 upwards for a double. Formule 1Motel 6 style hotels (which are not common) can be around 60-90 for a double. Car hire will cost around 65 a day. Public transport day passes from 10-20 per day depending on the city. Petrol is approximately 33 more expensive than the US, 10 more than Canada, and about 40 cheaper than Europe. but can be even more expensive in remote areas where choices are few and the vendors more than a little enterprising to reflect additional delivery costs. A cafe meal costs around 10-15, and a main course in a restaurant goes from around 17 upwards. A basic takeaway meal - a burger, fancy sandwich, or couple of slices of pizza would cost 5-10, a Big Mac costs 5.50, and you can usually grab a pie for around 4.50, or a sausage roll for 3.50. A takeaway pizza from Pizza Hut big enough to feed two costs around 10. A middypot (285mL) of house beer will cost you around 6, and a glass of house wine around 6 in a low end pub. To take away, a case of 24 cans of beer will cost around 40, or a bottle of wine around 8. A standard 500ml bottle of soft drinks, such as Coca-Cola or Pepsi will cost around 3.00 in a large grocery store, 4.20 at a corner convenience store (called milk bars) or 5.20 or more at outback roadhouses. Cans run around 1.00 or more if bought in the 24 pack at grocery store. Bottled water isnt much cheaper. You can make yourself feel better about it by buying brands that are not available in foreign countries, such as the delicious Kirks Dry Ginger Ale. Some American brands are not available. Ordinary coffee takeaway such as from a petrol station will run around 4.00 but usually comes with a biscuit too. An airfare between neighbouring eastern capitals is around 120 each way but can get as low as 60 if you book at the right time, or around 350 to cross the country assuming that you are flexible with dates and book in advance. A train trip on the state run trains will usually cost slightly less. A bus trip, a little less again. A train trip on the private trains will be the most expensive way to travel. There is usually no admission charge to beaches or city parks. Some popular National Parks charge between 10-20 per day (per car, or per person depending on the state) while more out of the way National Parks are free. Art Galleries and some attractions are free. Museums generally charge around 10 per admission. Theme parks charge around 70 per person. Because of Australias high wages by comparison to other countries such the USA, you will find prices of things involving service such as restaurants especially high by comparison. A rule of thumb is the restaurants will cost close to double what you would expect of the same thing in the USA, and that holds for beverages also. Haggling edit Bargaining is uncommon in Australian stores, though vendors are usually willing to meet or beat a quote or advertised price from a competing retailer. Its also worth asking for a best price for high-value goods or purchases involving several items. For example, it would not be unusual to get 10 off an item of jewelry that was not already reduced in price. The person you are dealing with may have limited authority to sell items at anything other than the marked price. Tipping edit Tipping is never compulsory and is usually not expected in Australia. Staff are seen to be paid an appropriate wage and will certainly not chase you down for a tip. It is acceptable to pay the amount stated on the bill. When Australians do tip, it will often be in the form of leaving the change from a cash payment (usually as a convenience so the change does not hang around loose on someones person - not as a gratuity), rather than a fixed percentage. In a suburban or country restaurant where table service is offered, they will certainly take a tip of 5-10 should you decide to leave one, but it is almost always not expected, and locals usually do not leave any. In a cafe or more informal restaurant, even with table service, and even in tourist centres, leaving a tip is unusual. Sometimes there is a coin jar by the cashier labelled Tips, but more often than not, diners do not leave one. Tipping is also not expected in taxis, and drivers will typically return your change to the last 5 cents, unless you indicate that they should round the fare to the nearest dollar (it is not unusual for passengers to instruct the driver to round up to the next whole dollar). Trading hours edit Australias base trading hours are Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM. Shops usually have a single night of late night trading, staying open until 9PM on Fridays in most cities and on Thursdays in Brisbane and Sydney. Sunday trading is common but does not exist in all rural areas. Opening hours beyond these base hours vary by the type of store, by location, and by state. See the guides for more local information. Major supermarket chains such as Coles and Woolworths and department stores like K-Mart and Target in main centres are generally open at least until 9pm. Smaller convenience stores like 711 are open 24 hours in major centres. Fast Food restaurant chains are commonly open 24 hours or at least very late. FuelService stations are open 24 hours in major centres, but often close at 6pm and on Sundays in country towns. Even in cities with populations exceeding 50,000 finding a 24 hour petrol station can be difficult, or at least should not be assumed to be easily found. Make sure to locate one in advance if you have an early morning flight with a rental car to return. Australias weekend is on Saturday and Sunday of each week. Retail trading is now almost universal in larger cities on weekends, although with slightly reduced hours. Again, Western Australia is an exception with restrictions on large stores opening on Sundays. In smaller country towns shops are closed on Sundays and often also on Saturday afternoons. Tourist-oriented towns and shops may stay open longer hours. Tourist areas within cities, such as Darling Harbour in Sydney has longer trading hours every night. Australian banks are open Monday-Friday 09:00-16:00 only, often closing at 17:00 on Fridays. Cash is available through Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) 24 hours, and currency exchange outlets have extended hours and are open on weekends. Tax edit Australia has a sales tax known as the Goods and Services Tax or GST that applies to all goods and services except unprocessed foods, education and medical services. GST is always included in the price of any item you purchase rather than being added at the time of payment. Receipts (tax invoices) will contain the GST amount, which is one eleventh of the total value of taxable supplies. Sales tax refunds edit If you buy items over 300 at one place within 60 days of departing the country, you can obtain a refund of the GST upon leaving Australia. As of April 2013 the items can be purchased in separate transactions, as long as the total comes to over 300 and they are all from the same store. Pack the items in hand luggage, and present the item(s) and the receipt at the TRS, after immigration and security when leaving Australia. Also allow an extra 15 minutes before departure. The refund payment can be made by either cheque, credit to an Australian bank account, or payment to a credit card. There is no refund available for services. You also cannot get a refund if you are too close to your flight departure time. A flight departure screen assists agents and they will refuse your transaction if your flight is on it. Check for current regulations about buffer time for flights if you want a GST refund. Eat edit add listing Places to eat edit Breakfast in Prahran Restaurants . Australians eat out frequently, and you will usually find one or two options to eat out even in small towns, with a wider range in larger towns and cities. BYO restaurants . BYO stands for Bring Your Own (alcohol). In many of the urban communities of Australia you will find small low-cost restaurants that are not licensed to serve but allow diners to bring their own bottle of wine purchased elsewhere. This is frequently much cheaper than ordering a bottle of wine in a restaurant. Beer can be taken to some BYO restaurants, others allow only wine. Expect to pay a corkage fee which can vary from 2-15, or may be calculated by head. BYO is not usually permitted in restaurants that are licensed to sell alcohol. Pubs . the counter lunch or pub meal is the name for a lunch served in the bar of a pub. Traditionally served only at lunchtime in the lounge. Today most pubs provide lunch and dinner and many have a separate bistro or restaurant. Meals of steak, chicken parmigiana, fish and chips, or nachos are common. Clubs . clubs, such as bowling clubs, leagues clubs, RSLs are in many towns and cities. They are most common in the states of Queensland and New South Wales. Most allow visitors, and sometimes offer good value meals. Some offer attractive locations, like the water views from the Twin Towns in Tweed Heads . Cafes . most towns and suburbs have a cafe or coffee shop, serving breakfast and light meals and cakes throughout the day. Not unusual for them to close before dinner. Bakeries . usually a good place to buy bread rolls, a pie or a sausage roll. Some, like the Beechworth bakery, or the bakery in historic Gundagai offer an experience as well. Fast food restaurants . McDonalds, Subway and KFC are common. Burger King is known as Hungry Jacks. Red Rooster is a Australian chain, offering barbecued chicken and other mostly chicken-based items. Take-away . milk bars (known as a Deli in SA) or take-away stores usually sell pies, barbecued (rotisserie) chicken, hamburgers, fish and chips, gyros, kebabs. Ubiquitous in every town and suburb. Food courts . most shopping centres have a food court, even in country towns. Picnic . the Australian climate is usually amenable to getting whatever food you can, and heading to the nearest park, river, lake or beach. Barbecue . is a popular Australian pastime and many parks in Australia provide free barbecues for public use. Contrary to the stereotype, Australians rarely Throw a shrimp on the barbie (also, in Australia a shrimp is more commonly referred to as a prawn). Steaks, chops, sausages, chicken fillets, fish, kebabs are popularly barbecued. Native foods edit Kangaroo . if you fancy some, it is commonly available from most supermarkets and butchers shops. Head to the nearest park, and barbecue it until medium rare. Best not to overcook as it may become quite tough . It tastes much like beef. It occasionally makes it onto the menu in restaurants, mostly in tourist areas. Kangaroos arent endangered, and kangaroo grazing does far less damage to the sensitive Australian environment than hoofed animals, and far less carbon emissions too. If you are not ready to go vegetarian, kangaroo is the best environmental statement you can make while barbecuing. Crocodile . meat from farms in the Northern Territory and Queensland is widely available around the top end, and occasionally elsewhere. At Rockhampton, the beef capital of Australia, you can see the ancient reptile on a farm while munching on a croc burger. Emu . yes, you can eat the Australian Coat of Arms. Emu is low in fat, and available in some speciality butchers. Try the Coat of Arms pie in Maleny on the Sunshine Coast. Bush tucker . many tours may give you an opportunity to try some bush tucker, the berries, nuts, roots, ants, and grubs from Australias native bush. Macadamia nuts are the only native plant to Australia that is grown for food commercially. Taste some of the other bush foods, and you will discover why. Beyond cuisine edit Plate of Tim Tams Vegemite . a salty yeast-based spread, best spread thinly on toast. If you arent up for buying a jar, any coffee shop will serve vegemite on toast at breakfast time. It may not even be on the menu, but the vegemite will be out the back in the jar next to the marmalade. If you do buy a jar, the secret is it to spread it very thin, and dont forget the butter as well. It tastes similar to Marmite or Cenovis. Australians are quite used to the taste, and may spread the Vegemite very thick but this is not recommended for first-timers. The Tim-Tam . is a popular chocolate fudge-filled sandwich of two chocolate biscuits, all dipped in chocolate. You can buy a packet (or two) from any supermarket or convenience store. Tim-Tams are required to perform the Tim-Tam Slam manoeuvre. This requires biting off both ends of the Tim-Tam, then using it as a straw to drink your favourite hot beverage, typically coffee. The hot drink melts the fudge centre and creates an experience hard to describe. Finesse is needed to suck the whole biscuit into your mouth in the microseconds between being fully saturated and dissolving. Although performed by some Australians, the manoeuvre is rarely performed and the Tim-Tam is generally eaten by itself. During summer, Tim-Tams are often stored in the freezer, and eaten ice cold. The lamington is a cube of sponge cake covered in chocolate icing and dipped in desiccated coconut. Its named after Lord Lamington, who served as Governor of Queensland from 1896 to 1901. The home-baked form can be found at a local Saturday morning market, or you can buy one from a bakery if you are desperate. Avoid at all costs the plastic wrapped varieties sold in supermarkets. The pavlova is a meringue cake with a cream topping usually decorated with fresh fruit. Served on special occasions, or after a lunchtime barbecue. Often the source of dispute with New Zealand over the original source of the recipe. ANZAC biscuits are a mix of coconut, oats, flour, sugar and golden syrup. They were reputedly sent by wives and care organisations to world war soldiers in care packages, but the story is likely apocryphal. They are available from bakeries, cafes and supermarkets, and are popular in the lead up to ANZAC day (25 April). Damper is a traditional soda bread that was baked by drovers and stockmen. It has basic ingredients (flour, water and perhaps salt) and usually cooked in the embers of a fire. It is not routinely available in bakeries and only commonly served to tourists on organised tours. Best eaten with butter and jam or golden syrup as it is dry and bland. A pie floater is a South Australian dish available around Adelaide. It is a pie inverted in a bowl of thick mushy pea soup. Similar pie variations are sometimes available in other regions. A Chiko roll is a deep-fried snack inspired by the egg roll or the spring roll. Despite the name, it contains no chicken. Its filling is boned mutton, vegetables, rice, barley, and seasonings. Its shell is thicker than an egg roll, meant to survive handling at football matches. Available anywhere you can buy fish and chips. Other cuisines edit Cuisines widely available in Australia, often prepared by members of the relevant culture, include: Chinese . synonymous with the term takeaway in the past generations. Many Chinese restaurants still cater to takeaway addicts today, mostly of the Australianized Chinese variety, but major cities have small Chinatowns or suburbs with a large number of ethnic Chinese residents, that have excellent restaurants serving authentic Chinese food. Thai . as above. Suburban Thai restaurants of indifferent quality are starting to replace the previous generation of Chinese restaurants of indifferent quality, but Australia also has excellent and authentic Thai restaurants. Italian . the Italian community is one of the largest ethnic communities of non Anglo-Saxon origin in Australia, and they have contributed greatly to the cafe culture that has flourished across the major cities over the past few decades. Restaurants either serve Italian food that has been adapted to suit Australian tastes, or authentic regional Italian food, with the latter tending to be pricier and in more upmarket surrounds. Greek . as above, and especially in Melbourne, which has the largest Greek population outside Greece. Lebanese . especially in Sydney. Indian . especially North Indian. Japanese . including bento takeaway shops and sushi trains. Vietnamese . although many are Vietnamese Chinese run and thus provide a more Chinese experience. Asian fusion . refers generally to Asian-inspired dishes. Vegetarian edit Eating vegetarian is quite common in Australia and many restaurants offer at least one or two vegetarian dishes. Some will have an entire vegetarian menu section. Vegans may have more difficulty but any restaurant with a large vegetarian menu should offer some flexibility. In large cities you will find a number of vegetarian and vegan restaurants, as well as in the coastal backpacker-friendly towns along the east coast. The market town of Kuranda or the seaside towns of Byron Bay are a vegetarians paradise. In other regional areas vegetarians are often poorly catered for, but most towns will have a Chinese restaurant that will provide steamed rice and vegetables. Sydney and Melbourne in particular cater well for vegans and vegetarians with a large number of purely vegetarian restaurants, vegan clothing stores and vegan supermarkets. Religious diets edit People observing halal diets will easily be able to find specialist butchers in the capital cities, and will also find a number of restaurants with appropriate menus and cooking styles. People observing kosher diets can easily find kosher food in suburbs in Sydney and Melbourne that have a high amount of Jews (eg. Caulfield in Melbourne, Bondi in Sydney). In other cities it is very hard to find kosher food, and the little kosher food there is, is usually imported from Melbourne or Sydney, so it is very overpriced. Outside the capital cities, it will be much more difficult to find food prepared in a strict religious manner. Markets edit All of the capital cities and many regional towns in Australia host a farmers market, which is generally held each week in a designated area on a Saturday or Sunday. These markets mostly sell fresh fruits and vegetables, as hygiene standards in Australia forbid the selling of meat directly from market stalls. Butchers who set up shop at a farmers market would usually trade their wares from a display cabinet within their truck. The attraction of markets is the lower prices and freshness of the produce. The attraction for the traveller will be the cheap and excellent fruits on offer - depending on the region and season. In regional areas the market is usually held outside the town itself in an empty paddock or sports field, markets in capital cities are easier to reach but the prices are typically more in line with those you would find in supermarkets. See the destination guides for details. Drink edit add listing Varieties edit Beer edit Drinking beer is ingrained in Australian culture. Although Fosters is promoted as an Australian beer overseas, it is rarely consumed by Australians in Australia, and is almost impossible to find. Beers are strongly regional and every state has its own brews: Coopers and West End in South Australia, Carlton and VB in Victoria, Tooheys in NSW, XXXX in Queensland, Boags and Cascade in Tasmania, and Swan in Western Australia. There are also local microbrew choices, which can be harder to find, but are often worth seeking out. A wide range of imported European and American bottled beers are available in all but the most basic pub. Light (Lite) beer refers to lower alcoholic content, and not lower calories. It has around half the alcohol of full strength beer, and is taxed at a lower rate, meaning it is also cheaper than full strength beer. Because Australians like their beer to stay cold while they drink it, draft beer glasses come in a multitude of sizes, so that you can drink a whole glass before it warms up in the summer heat. The naming of beer glasses varies widely from state to state, often in confusing ways: a schooner is 425 ml everywhere except South Australia, where its only 285 ml, a size thats known elsewhere as a middy or pot . except in Darwin where its a handle . but in Adelaide a pot means a 570 ml full pint, and a pint means what a schooner does elsewhere, and. you get the idea. The local beers and the local descriptions are covered in detail in the state guides. Bottle naming is a little easier: the standard sizes across Australia are the 375 ml stubby and the 750 ml long neck or tally . Cans of beer are known as tinnies and 24 of them make up a slab . box . carton . or a case . Wine edit Australia produces quality wine on a truly industrial scale, with large multinational brands supplying Australian bottleshops and exporting around the world. There are also a multitude of boutique wineries and smaller suppliers. Very good red and white wine can be bought very cheaply in Australia, often at less than 10 a bottle, and even the smallest shop could be expected to have 50 or more varieties to choose from. The areas of the Barossa Valley. Hunter Valley, McLaren Vale. Clare Valley and Margaret River are particularly renowned for their wineries and opportunities for cellar door sampling, but northern Victoria and Mudgee. also have a large variety. You are never too far from a wine trail anywhere in southern Australia. Try the local wines wherever you can find them, and ask for local recommendations. Try not to get taken in by the label, or the price tag. The best wine is rarely the one with the best artwork, or the most expensive price. However, it is probably wise to avoid the house wine if it comes straight from a cask (4-litre container). Wines at the cellar door are almost invariably sold at around 20 premium to the same wine in the shops in the local town. If you still prefer overseas wines, the Marlborough region of New Zealand is usually well represented on wine lists and in bottle shops in Australia. Spirits edit Bundaberg Rum ( Bundy ) is an Australian dark rum particularly popular in Queensland and many Queenslanders will not touch any other brand of rum, while many other Australians will not touch Bundy. It is probably the most famous Australian made spirit, mass produced in Bundaberg and available everywhere. You will have to search much harder to find other Australian distilled spirits, mostly from niche players, but there are distilleries in every state of Australia if you look hard enough. Drop into the Lark Distillery on the scenic Hobart waterfront precinct. Pick up a bottle of 151 East Vodka in Wollongong or after a few days in Kununurra you are definitely going to need an Ord River Rum. Mixed drinks are also available, particularly vodka, scotch, bourbon and other whiskey mixers. Jim Beam bourbon is probably the most commonly drunk, so those from Kentucky should feel right at home. Spirits are also available as pre-mixed bottles and cans but are subject to higher taxation in this form, so it is cheaper to mix them yourself. Spirits are served in all pubs and bars, but not in all restaurants. Legal aspects edit The legal drinking age throughout Australia is 18 years . It is illegal to purchase alcohol for yourself if you are under 18 years of age. It is illegal to purchase alcohol on behalf of someone who is under 18 years of age. The only legally acceptable proof-of-age is an Australian drivers licence, state-issued proof-of-age card or a passport, and it would be wise to carry one if you want to purchase alcohol or tobacco and look under 25. It is illegal to go into a gambling area of a pub or club when under 18. Often there is a lounge, restaurant or bistro area in a pub or club that permits under-age people provided they are accompanied by a responsible adult over 18 and dont approach the bar or wander around. Some city pubs even have video games and playgrounds for children. Some country pubs have large open areas out in the back where kids can run and play. In general, you can take alcohol (say a bottle of wine or beer) to consume at a park or beach. However, in the state of Queensland public consumption of Alcohol is illegal. Alcohol consumption is banned in some public places as street drinking. These are often indicated by signs and is particularly the case in parks and footpaths where public drunkenness has been a problem. However, if you are a family with your picnic basket and blanket out at lunchtime with a bottle of wine, you are unlikely to encounter any problems. Alcohol can be purchased for consumption on premises only in licensed venues . pubs, clubs and many restaurants. You can purchase alcohol for private consumption in bottle shops . which are separate stores selling bottled alcohol. In some but not all states you can buy alcohol in supermarkets . In those states where you cant, bottle shops and major supermarkets are often found in very close proximity. Although licensing laws and hours vary from state to state, and individual stores have different trading hours, as a rule of thumb, alcohol is generally available in towns to take-away seven days a week, between the hours of 8AM and 11PM, from bottle shops, supermarkets, licensed grocersmilk-bars and pubs. Outside of these hours though, it is almost impossible to buy alcohol to take home so if youre planning on a party at home, its a good idea to stock up and check on the local trading hours so you dont run out at 00:30 with no opportunity to buy more. In the state of New South Wales, takeaway alcohol cannot be sold after 10pm. Alcohol is not available at petrol stations or 24-hour convenience stores anywhere in Australia. Public drunkenness varies in acceptability. You will certainly find a great deal of it in close proximity to pubs and clubs at night time but much less so during the day. Public drunkenness is an offence but you would only likely ever be picked up by the police if you were causing a nuisance. You may spend the night sobering up in a holding cell or be charged. Driving while affected by alcohol is both stigmatized and policed by random breath testing police patrols in Australia, as well as being inherently dangerous. Drink driving is a very serious offence in Australia, punishable by a range of mechanisms including loss of license. The acceptable maximum blood alcohol concentration is 0.05 in all states, often lower or not allowed for operators of heavy vehicles and young or novice drivers. Police officers are also empowered to randomly test drivers for the recent use of prohibited drugs. The operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of prohibited drugs or alcohol will always result in arrest and a required court appearance many weeks from the date of arrest and it can comprehensively disrupt travel plans. Random breath testing is common early Saturday and Sunday mornings, and many people are caught the morning after. A shout edit Buying a round of drinks is a custom in Australia, as in many corners of the world. It is generally expected in a pub that when you arrive and make your first trip to the bar that you will offer to buy a drink for others you are drinking with. This is whats known as a shout. In entering a shout you are expected to take turns buying drinks for everyone in your shout when it is your turn. It is considered poor etiquette to drink something much more expensive that what others in the shout are drinking. If you cannot keep pace during a shout you are still expected to buy a round of drinks when it is your turn and as such it is advisable to drink with people who pace themselves at a similar rate. If someone from outside the shout offers to buy you a drink politely decline and let them know you are already in a shout. Likewise if someone buys you a drink dont be surprised if they expect one from you later on in the evening as its now your shout. If you dont want to join a shout, or would like to drop out of one this can be awkward in some groups, however if you provide a viable reason such as having to drive or being on medication people will normally respect this explanation. It is considered very poor etiquette to leave before your shout. Learn edit If you are intending to study in Australia, you may need to be on a visa class that allows this, rather than a tourist visa. Students and academics invited to visit Australian universities will generally also need an appropriate visa, even if their visit is of a short enough period to be covered by a tourist electronic visa. For extremely short term or part time courses, check with your Australian consulate or embassy. Australian students attend high school for six years, and enter university at seventeen or eighteen years of age. (In Australia, neither school nor college are used to refer to tertiary institutions they are referred to only as universities - in fact, some primary and secondary educational institutions are referred to as colleges). Australian undergraduate programs are usually three to four years in length. A fifth year is compulsory in some professional undergraduate programs such as engineering, law, medicine and dentistry. Students in three-year degree programs can take an optional fourth year known as honours if they want to proceed into a postgraduate research program, whereas students enrolled in four year programs can typically incorporate their honours thesis into their fourth year. Australia does not have universities whose prestige competes with Harvard or the other Ivies in the US or Oxford or Cambridge in the UK. However many are ranked in the top 200 in the world (Times Higher Education Supplement). All tuition at university level is in English . save for courses that specifically focus on other languages. Students who have not previously earned a qualification in an English speaking program (or passed high school English) will have to take one of a number of English competency tests before being allowed to enrol. Postgraduate studies in Australia fall into two classes: coursework and research. Coursework degrees are generally at the Masters level. Research degrees are at the Masters and Doctoral level. Universities edit There are 42 Universities in Australia that all compete vigorously for overseas students. All have administrative departments and sections on their websites which describe the courses available to overseas students, and they will help you to apply and obtain accommodation and transport. Applications for university courses (and the appropriate visa) will need to be lodged before coming to Australia. Courses range from single year diplomas to full length undergraduate and post-graduate degrees. There is a choice of the sandstone universities, with their history and prestige, modern city universities with their vocational programs, and regional (country town) universities, with open space and cheaper accommodation. Admission edit Undergraduate admission to university is centralised at the state level. You make a single application for admission to the state admissions body stating your course preferences. The universities select students from this common applicant pool based upon their ranking and preferences. Unless you are applying for a creative arts degree, your ranking will be based solely on previous academic performance at both high school and previous university studies. Postgraduate admission is managed by individual universities and you will need to apply separately to each institution you are considering. Tuition fees edit The full fees payable by overseas students are competitive compared to many Western universities. Australian citizens have the option of substantially reduced fees and also have the option of deferring payment until they are earning income. Other students will generally be required to pay full tuition on enrolment each semester. Scholarships are rarely awarded for undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degrees. A comparatively large number of scholarships are available for postgraduate research usually covering both tuition, where required, and living costs. These are awarded by individual universities. Sleep edit add listing Accommodation is readily available in most Australian cities and tourist destinations. It comes in a number of different styles. Camping edit Camping is a popular pastime. Most caravan parks will rent camping sites by the night, where you can pitch a tent, and these are available in most towns and cities. The caravan park will provide showers and toilets, and sometimes washing and cooking facilities. Sometimes for an additional fee. Expect to pay around 20 for a tent site, and a few dollars per person. You can even find caravan parks right on the beach, with lagoon swimming pools and playgrounds all free for guests. National parks often provide free camping sites, which expect you to be more self-sufficient. Often toilets are provided and sometimes cold showers. Camping permits are sometimes required at popular parks, with some popular spots filling up during the holidays in summer. In Australia it is common to be within an hours drive of a national park or recreation area that will permit some form of camping, even in the capital cities. Expect to pay around 5-10 per night per person for a camping permit, and national park admission fees in the more popular national parks (eg: Wilsons Promontory National Park, Kosciuszko National Park, etc), however entry and camping is free in the majority of national parks further from population and tourist centres. Some other camping areas are run by government or even local landowners. Expect around 10 per person per night, depending on the time of year. You can try your luck sleeping on a beach or pitching a tent overnight in a highway rest area, or out in the bush for a free bed. Most rest areas and beaches prohibit camping and many even prohibit overnight parking to discourage this. Generally the closer you are to civilisation or a tourist area, the greater the chance of being hassled by the authorities. Camping in state forests is often preferable to national parks if youre after a camping experience over sightseeing, as collecting of your own fire wood is allowed (sometimes felling of trees is permissible dependent on the area) and camping is not restricted to camp sites. Some other activities that are generally allowed in state forests that are not allowed in national parks are: bringing in dogspets, open fires, motorbikes and four-wheel driving. State forests are generally free to stay in, although you will need to check locally if public access is allowed. Hostels and Backpackers edit Budget hostel-style accommodation with shared bathrooms and often with dormitories is approximately 20-30 per person per night. Facilities usually include a fully equipped kitchen with adequate refrigeration and food storage areas. Most hostels also have living room areas equipped with couches, dining tables, and televisions. There are several backpacker hostel chains in Australia. If you are staying many nights in the same brand of hostel, consider their discount cards, which usually offer a loyalty bonus on accommodation, and other attraction and tour discounts negotiated by the chain. Pubs edit Traditionally Australian pubs (public bars) would be part of a hotel that offered accommodation. Some of these traditional hotels still offer some form of accommodation. It can vary from very basic shabby rooms, to newly renovated boutique accommodation. The price is usually a good reflection of what you are in for. It is still quite unusual to have a private bathroom, even in the nicer hotels. Unlike motels, traditional hotels usually charge a discounted rate for single rooms. In some smaller towns this might be the only type of accommodation available, though it is also available in the centre of Sydney making getting back to your room after a beer a simple endeavour. Many of the older pubs in country towns are housed in grande and ornate buildings on the main street of the town and can present a unique accommodation option. Inner city areas of Australian cities are dotted with many old pubs which will often be smaller and less interesting, and less likely to provide accommodation. A motel wont generally have a public bar. A motel that does have a bar attached will be called a hotelmotel. Motels edit Typically, motel-style accommodation will have a private room with a bed or number of beds, and a private shower and toilet. Many motels have family rooms, that will usually have a double bed and two single beds in the one room. Motel rooms in the cities will generally cost upwards from 80. Usually the cost is the same for one or two adults, with any extra people charged an additional fee. Prices for additional children can range from free to 20 per child. During quiet times its not unusual for motels to offer standby discounts. Most motels will serve a cooked or continental breakfast to your room in the morning, for an additional charge. Some may have a restaurant or serve an evening meal. Some may have a toaster in the room. A number of local and international chains offer motel-style accommodation: Hotels edit All state capitals have at least one major hotel at 5 star standard, with several available in the major capitals. The majority of Australias hotels are located in the Central Business Districts (CBD) of the capital city. Hotel services and hospitality are often excellent such as room cleaning services, free morning newspapers, meals to your door and a high-speed internet connection up to 24mbs (often with a premium fee). All hotels have a restaurant (or bistro, depending on the type of hotel you are staying in). The restaurant or bistro often serves food that is comparable to many other up-market restaurants outside the hotel. Also on the ground floor would normally be a fully equipped bar. Cabins edit Cabins are an economical way for families to stay while travelling. Sometimes built on private land, sometimes in caravan parks, cabins typically have a kitchen lounge area, and one, two or three bedrooms. Farm Stay edit Much as the name suggests, this usually involves a cabin or homestead accommodation on a working property. Suited for a stay of two or more days, this accommodation usually allows you to get a little involved in the running of the farm if you wish. It is common for dinner to be provided in the homestead, and a breakfast pack to be provided to your cabin. Holiday home edit Holiday homes are homes rented by their owners, often using local real estate agents or specialised web sites. Sometimes theyre located in prime positions, but more often in the suburbs of cities and towns. Minimum rental periods of at least 2 days usually apply, rising to a week during periods when they are busy. At a minimum, they will have bedrooms, a lounge, bathroom and kitchen. Bed and Breakfasts edit Bed and Breakfasts tend to be a premium form of accommodation in Australia, often focussed on weekend accommodation for couples. They certainly dont offer the discount form of accommmodation they do in part of the United Kingdom. and the local motel will usually be cheaper. Sometimes extra rooms in a persons home, but often a purpose built building. You should expect a cosy, well kept room, a common area, and a cooked breakfast. Possibly private facilities. Substantial discounts often apply for mid-week stays at bed and breakfasts. Resorts edit There are many true resorts around Australia. Many have lagoon pools, tennis, golf, kids clubs, and other arranged activities. The island of the Whitsundays have a choice of resorts, some occupying entire islands. Port Douglas also has many resorts of a world standard. Serviced apartments edit Serviced apartments are widely available, for stays as short as one night. Amenities typically include kitchen, washer and dryer, and separate bedrooms. Caravanning, Campervan, Motorhome and RV edit Caravan parks exist in most towns and cities in Australia that will provide powered and unpowered sites for Caravans. You will commonly see the Grey Nomad brigade on their trips around Australia in motorhomes and caravans. The camper trailer has also become very popular in Australia. It is perfect for the Australian camping lifestyle, whether it be weekends away or an extended trip into the great outdoors where no facilities exist. You will need to be self-sufficient and carry suitable spares and a good tool kit Station Wagons Vans edit In most parts of Australia it is illegal to sleep in your vehicle but it is possible to get around this by simply rigging up curtains all around the windows so no one can see in from the outside. Trade vans can be picked up for as little as 1,000, with a more trustworthy van setting you back no more than 3,000-4,000. Add a mattress, pillow, portable gas cooker, cookware and a 20 lt water container and you are off. If you get caught the fine could be as much as 150 each, so do it at you own risk. But if you are strategic in where you stay you probably wont get caught. Just be sensible and dont disturb the locals. Also, be aware of parking restrictions in certain parts of the cities and town, including overnight parking restrictions. The parking inspectors can be ruthless and a 100 fine is not uncommon. All cities and towns in Australia have free public toilets. Many parks, and most beaches have free electric BBQs as well. Popular beaches have fresh water showers to wash the salt water off after you swim, so for those on a tight budget (or for those that just love waking up at the beach) simply wash in the ocean (please do not pollute the ocean or waterways by using detergents or soaps) and rinse off at the showers. Almost all taps in Australia are drinking water, the ones that arent will be marked. Service stations (petrolgas) almost always have taps, so these are a good place to refill the water containers each time you refuel. Some of the best experiences you may have in Australia will be by taking that road on the map that looks like it heads to a beach, creek, waterfall or mountain and following it. You may just find paradise and not another soul in sight. And lucky you, youve got a bed, food and water right there with you. Travelling in a small group lowers the fuel bill per head, as this will likely be your biggest expense. Enjoy, and respect the land by taking your rubbishbottlescigarette butts with you and disposing of them properly. Work edit Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens and permanent residents of Australia can work in Australia without any further permits, but others will require a work visa. All visitors who do not hold Australian permanent residency or citizenship (including New Zealand citizens who arent also Australian permanent residents or citizens) are not allowed to access Australian social security arrangements for the unemployed, and will have limited, or more usually, no access to the Australian governments health care payment arrangements. Minimum wage edit Minimum wage rates are under the jurisdiction of the federal government there are other minimum wages depending on your job, years of experience, how much education you have, how long youve been done with your education and your previous job history, so this minimum wage can fluctuate a vast amount. Payment and taxes edit Most Australian employers pay via direct deposit to Australian bank accounts. Open a bank account as soon as you arrive. Your passport will not be enough ID to open a bank account. You will need to show the bank teller 100 points of ID 20. As soon as you have an address it is wise to apply for a Tax File Number (TFN). You can apply for it online (though, only in Australia) for free at the Australian Tax Office website 21. though you can generally get it quicker if you just go to one of their offices. The Australian financial year runs from July 1 to June 30, and tax returns for each financial year are due on October 30, four months after the accounting period concludes. Check with Australian tax agents about Australian tax liability and filing an Australian tax return. Australian employers will make compulsory payments out of your earnings to an Australian superannuation (retirement savings) fund on your behalf. Temporary visitors who are not citizens of either Australia or New Zealand can have this money returned to them 22 when they leave Australia. Working holidaymaker scheme edit Australia has a working holidaymaker program for 18-30 yr old citizens of certain countries. It allows a stay in Australia for 12 months from the time of first entry. You may work during that time, but only for 6 months at any one employer. The idea is for you to take a holiday subsidised by casual or short-term jobs. If youre interested in a working holiday, some useful skills and experience might be: office skills to be used for temp work or hospitality skills to be used for bar or restaurant work. An alternative is seasonal work like fruit-picking, although much seasonal work will require that you work outside the major cities. Working for 3 months in seasonal work will allow you to apply for a second 12 month visa. You can apply online for a working holiday visa . but you must not be in Australia at the time. It takes just a few hours to process usually and costs about 420 (as of June 2014). On arriving in Australia ask for the working holiday visa to be evidenced, so you can show your future employer. Sponsored work visas edit The easiest way to get a work visa is to find an Australian employer who will sponsor you. However, this is just easier, not easy as such. Your employer will need to demonstrate that they cannot hire anyone with your skills in Australia, and the approval will take several months. If in search of sponsorship, be prepared for a long wait. Note that getting the visa might take a couple of months from the beginning of the application process, and that you will need a medical examination by a doctor approved by the immigration officials before it can be granted (among other things, you will need a chest x-ray to show that you do not have tuberculosis). Check with your local Australian High Commission, Consulate or Embassy and the the Immigration Departments website 23. Immigration edit You can apply to immigrate as a skilled person or business person, but this process will take longer than receiving a work visa. You can also apply for permanent residency as the holder of a work or study visa, but your application will not be automatically accepted. After four years of permanent residency you are eligible to apply for Australian citizenship. Volunteering edit There are several volunteer opportunities in Australia. Many worldwide organisations offer extended travel for those wanting to volunteer their time to work with locals on projects such as habitat restoration, wildlife sanctuary maintenance amp development, scientific research, amp education programs. Respect edit Unless you are actively trying to insult someone, a traveller is unlikely to insult or cause offence to an Australian through any kind of cultural ignorance. Australian modes of address tend towards the familiar. It is acceptable and normal to use first names in all situations, even to authority figures or people many years your senior. Australia is a nation that prides itself on witty and imaginative nicknames and thus fond of using and giving nicknames - even to recent acquaintances. It is likely being called such a name is an indication that you are considered a friend and is it would be rare they are being condescending. While attitudes towards alcohol in Australia have moderated in recent years, there is still much goodwill in venturing and accepting the sharing of a drink (mainly beer) amongst newly made acquaintances. In rural locations especially, refusing the offer of a quiet drink is still something that is capable of causing offence. Within the bounds of health, safety and culture, one should try and accommodate this custom, even if you only partake of a glass of lemonade. It is generally acceptable to wear revealing clothing in Australia. Bikinis and swimming attire is okay on the beach, and usually at the kiosk across the road from the beach. It is normal to wear at least a shirt and footwear before venturing any further. Most beaches are effectively top optional (topless) while sunbathing. Just about all women wear a top while walking around or in the water. There are some clothing optional (nude) beaches, usually a little further removed from residential areas. Thong bikinis (more commonly called g-string bikinis in Australia as thongs refer to flip-flop footwear) are fine on all beaches and some outdoor pools for both women and men although they are not as common as conventional beachwear. Some outdoor pools have a top required policy for women. Cover up a little more when visiting places of worship such as churches. In warm conditions casual t-shirt and shorts style clothing predominates except in formal situations. Business attire, however, is considered to be long sleeved shirt, tie, and long trousers for men, even in the hottest weather. (In the northern part of the country, a short sleeved, open neck shirt with slacks, known as Darwin Rig, is acceptable). Using Australian stereotypical expressions may be viewed as an attempt to mock, rather than to communicate. If you pull it off well, you might raise a smile. Australians are often self-deprecating, and are rarely arrogant. However, it is rude to ever agree with a self-deprecating remark. Boasting about achievements is rarely received well. Most Australians are happy to help out a lost traveller with directions, however many urban dwellers will assume that someone asking Excuse me, is going to be asking for money, and may brush past. Looking lost, holding a map, looking like a backpacker or getting to the point quickly will probably help. It is common in Australia to call random strangers Mate. Profanities may not hold the same offensive value as they do in other English-speaking countries. Indigenous Australians edit It is best not to mention the name of a deceased person to an indigenous Australian. Though Aboriginal custom varies, it is best to avoid the possibility of offence. Permission to photograph an Aboriginal person should always be asked, but in particular in the more remote areas such as Arnhem Land. There is an old belief among them that having their photograph taken will steal their soul. Some areas of land are sacred to Aboriginal people, and require additional respect. Many areas of Aboriginal land are free to enter. Some areas carry a request from the Aboriginal people not to enter, and you may choose yourself whether or not to honour or respect that request. An example of an Aboriginal request is climbing Uluru (Ayers Rock). No law prohibits people from climbing the rock (except in heat, rain or strong winds), however, local indigenous communities (The Anangu) request that you do not climb. Uluru holds great spiritual significance to the Anangu. The Anangu feel themselves responsible if someone is killed or injured on their land (as has happened many times during the climb) and request tourists not to place themselves in harm through climbing. Many people who travel to Uluru do climb, however, so you certainly wont be on your own if you choose to do this. Some Aboriginal land requires permission or a permit, and some areas are protected and illegal to enter. You should check before making plans to travel off the beaten track. Permits are usually just a formality for areas which regularly see visitors, or if you have some other business in the area you are travelling through. Often they are just an agreement to respect to the land you are travelling on as Aboriginal land. Some Aboriginal Land Councils make them available online. If you need to refer to race, the politically correct term is Indigenous Australians . Aboriginal people is usually okay and referring to sacred sites and land as Aboriginal sites, or Aboriginal land is okay too. Avoid using Aborigine or Aboriginal as a noun to describe a person, as some people see negative connotations in these words. The contraction Abo is deeply offensive and should never be used. The word Native should also be avoided when referring to a person, as should colour-based terminology such as Black or White (the polite term for Australians of British or Irish descent is Anglo-Celtic ). Stay safe edit Stay healthy edit Certain areas of Australia, including the Northern Territory and Queensland. typically carry more socially conservative views. While the LGBT community is gaining more widespread tolerance travelers are advised to avoid public displays of affection. Queenland has a gay panic defense which is used to defend anti-lgbt attackers 27. Also Queensland areas view homosexuality as a sin 28 and LGBT protections are not well enforced in Queensland so any gay visitors will likely face discrimination in the provision of goods and services 29. LGBT travel should be discreet. Emergencies edit The number 000 (called triple zero or triple oh) can be dialled from any telephone in Australia free of charge. This number will connect you with emergency operators for the police, fire brigade, and ambulance service. The first question that the operator will ask is which service you need. If you require assistance during a flood, storm, cyclone, tsunami, earthquake or other natural disaster you can contact the State Emergency Service in each state (except for Northern Territory) on 132 500. You will be connected with your local unit and help can be organised from there. Note that if the emergency is life-threatening, call triple zero. If you want to contact these services but the situation is not an emergency, dont call 000: you can call the police assistance line on 131 444. Poisons information advice, which can also advise on snake, spider and insect bites, is available on 131 126. Information on locating the nearest medical services can be obtained by calling 1800 022 222 (except for Tasmania). You can dial 000 from all mobile phones. Mobile phones sold in Australia recognise it as the emergency number and will use any available network to place the call. However, if you have a phone obtained outside Australia, using the universal emergency number 112 is a better idea. Using 112 will use any available network, will work even if your phone is not roaming, and will work even if the phone does not have a SIM. 112 works from Australian purchased phones too. Hearing or speech impaired people with TTY equipment can dial 106 . Those with Internet connectivity can use the Internet Relay Service, via the website. Calls from fixed line (landline) phones may be traced to assist the emergency services to reach you. The emergency services have limited ability to trace the origin of emergency calls from mobile phones, especially outside of urban areas, so be sure to calmly and clearly provide details of your location. Because of the number sequence for emergency calls, around 60 of calls to the emergency numbers are made in error. Nobody will likely respond to your call unless you can effectively communicate to the operator that you need assistance. If you are in need of assistance, but cannot speak, you will be diverted to an IVR and asked to press 55 to confirm that you are in need of assistance and have not called by accident. Your call will then be connected to the police. Emergency numbers from other countries (for example, 911 in the USA) do not work in Australia. 112 will not work from a landline phone. Driving edit Keep a sense of perspective. Tourists are far more likely to be killed or injured as pedestrians, drivers or passengers on Australian roads than all the other causes of death and injury combined. Driving between cities and towns can take longer than you think, especially if you are used to freeway or motorway driving in Europe or North America. Speed limits vary by location, road and by state. Avoid the stresses of fatigue by not planning to drive too far in a day. Its also worth noting that speed limits are strictly enforced in Australia and going more than 2 kilometres over the speed limit can result in a large fine. Note also that in many places the speed limit cannot in practice be safely reached. Speed limits are indeed limits and a certain amount of credit is being given to the driver to adjust their driving habits to the conditions. Even if weather is not a factor, driving for example in Tasmania is just not possible at the posted speed limit continuously. To attempt to do so will put yourself and others in danger. A danger which magnifies at night with the immense wildlife population, and when weather is inclement. The wise motorist will observe how fast other drivers are travelling and also start out travel on unfamiliar roads well below the posted limit, and work up to a comfortable speed once the road has been evaluated as to its safety at various speeds. In practice, top limits are generally only possible in a sustained fashion on double lane freeways. Driving between towns and cities comes with a risk of hitting or crashing due to swerving to avoid wildlife. Kangaroos have a habit of being spooked by cars and then, bewilderingly, jumping in front of them. Take extra care when driving through areas with vegetation close to the road and during dawn and dusk when wildlife is most active. Wildlife is not usually an issue in major urban areas (with the exception of Canberra where a series of parks provides ample habitat for kangaroos, which often cross major roads). Urban Australians jaywalk, dodge cars, and anticipate the sequence of lights Australians from towns and regional cities are more likely to respect the pedestrian lights. Although most drivers will stop for a red light, running the amber light is common, so ensuring the traffic has stopped before stepping from the curb is always a good idea. People from countries who drive on the right will take a while to get used to looking the correct way when crossing. Roundabouts are common, always give way to traffic already in the circle. Complete novices to right hand drive cars and left lane traffic flow will find value in visiting the local police station and picking up a free copy of the booklet used by young people who are trying to get a driving license. It will describe many Australian situations you may not be aware of, and its good as a refresher in any case. For example, it is not legal to turn left on red (or right as the case may be), which is a permitted action in many other major countries. Beaches edit Around 10-20 overseas travellers drown in Australia each year. Most of these drownings occur at ocean beaches, where statistics put visitors at significantly higher risk than locals. Check the Beach Safety website. Beach goers should swim between the red and yellow flags which designate patrolled areas. Beaches are not patrolled 24-hours a day or even during all daylight hours. In most cases the local volunteer surf lifesavers or professional lifeguards are only available during certain hours, and at some beaches only on weekends, and often only during summer. If the flags arent up, then theres no one patrolling - and you shouldnt swim. If you do choose to swim, be aware of the risks, check conditions, stay within your depth, and dont swim alone. Hard surfboards and other water craft such as surf skis, kayaks etc. are not permitted between the red and yellow flags. These craft must only be used outside of the blue surf craft permitted flags. Australian ocean beaches can sometimes have strong rips that even the strongest swimmers are unable to swim against. Rips are invisible channels of water flowing away from the beach. These channels take out the water which the incoming surf waves bring into shore. Beach goers can mistakenly use these channels or areas since they can appear as calm water and look to be an easier area into which to swim. Problems arise when the swimmer tries to swim back into shore against the outgoing current or rip, tire quickly, and end up drowning. Rips can be recognised by one or more of these signs: a rippled appearance when the surrounding water is fairly calm foam that extends beyond the break zone brown, sandy coloured water waves breaking further out on either side of the rip. If you are caught in a rip at a patrolled beach, conserve your energy, float or tread water and raise one hand. The surf lifesavers will come out to you. Dont wait until you are so tired you cant swim any more. You will probably find that local swimmers or surfers will also quickly come to your aid. Usually the flags are positioned where there are no rips, but this isnt always the case as rips can move. If you are caught in a rip at an unpatrolled beach stay calm to conserve energy and swim parallel to the beach (not against the pull of the current). Most rips are only a few metres wide, and once clear of the undertow, you will be able to swim or catch a wave to return to shore. Never swim alone. Dont think that the right technique will get you out of every situation. In the surf out the back of the beach, treading water can be hard with waves pounding you every few seconds. Unless you have seen it happen, its hard to appreciate how quickly a rip can take you 50 m out to sea and into much larger wave breaks. If you are at an unpatrolled surf beach, proceed with great caution and never go out of your depth. Beach signs often have a number or an alphanumeric code on them. This code can be given to emergency services if required so they can locate you quickly. Crocodiles and Box Jellyfish are found on tropical beaches, depending on the time of year and area. Sharks occur on many of Australias beaches. See the section below on dangerous creatures. Patrolled beaches will be monitoring the ocean for any shark activity. If you hear a continuous siren, go off at the beach and a red and a red and white quartered flag is waved or held out of the tower as it indicates a shark sighting, so make your way to shore. Once it is clear, a short blast of the siren will be sounded, which usually means that it is safe to return to the water. Natural disasters edit Cyclones edit Tropical cyclones (hurricanes) occur in the tropics during summer. Information on and advanced warnings of severe weather is available from the Bureau of Meteorologys warning page 30 or by calling the National Telephone Weather Services Directory on 1900 926 113 (beware, premium rates apply). Floods edit In the tropical north the Wet Season occurs over the summer months of December, January and February, bringing torrential rains and frequent floods to those regions. It is not unusual for some coastal areas to be cut off for a day or two while the water recedes. It can still be a good time to visit some of the well populated, tourist-oriented areas, and, except in unusually heavy flooding, you can still get to see the pounding waterfalls and other attractions that can make this an interesting time to visit. Floods in outback and inland Australia are rare, occurring decades apart, so you would be unlucky to encounter them. However, if you are planning to visit the inland or the outback and the area is flooded, then you should reconsider. The land is flat, so the water can take weeks to move on, leaving the land boggy. Insects and mosquitoes go crazy with all the fresh water pooling around, and these things eat insect repellent for breakfast and are still hungry. Roads close, often adding many hours to driving times. Many attractions often lie on a short stretch of dirt road off the main highways, and these sections become impassable, even if the main road remains open. Plan to return in a few weeks, and the land will still be green, the lakes and rivers will still be flowing, and the bird life will still be around. The wettest period for the south of the country is usually around the winter months of June, July, and August. There is rarely enough rain at one time to cause flooding. The capital cities are rarely affected by floods, however, in recent years (2010-11 and 2013) Brisbane has been victim to devastating floods, cutting off suburban roads, damaging infrastructure and halting public transport. Additionally, after long dry periods, sudden storms can cause flooding due to hardened ground, poor infrastructure and blocked drains. Fires edit National parks and forested areas of southern Australia, including some parts of major cities next to national parks and forests, can be threatened by bushfires (wildfires) in summer. If the fire risk is extreme, parks may be closed, especially the backcountry areas, so you will need to have an alternative plan if you intend to camp or hike in parks during summer. If there is a fire in a park, it will usually be closed entirely. Entire country towns can sometimes be evacuated when there is a bushfire threatening them. Often there can be no signs of the fire at evacuation time, but you should leave early, as evacuating through a fire front is dangerous. The best advice is just to move on, and not stay around to watch. Make sure any fires you light are legal and kept under control. The fire service operates a fire ban system during periods of extreme fire danger. When a fire ban is in place all outdoor fires are forbidden. Most parks will advertise a ban, and it is your responsibility to check the local fire danger levels. Fines or even jail terms apply for lighting fires that get out of control, not to mention the feeling you may get for being responsible for the property, wildlife, and personal damage that you may cause. If you are caught in a bushfire, most fires will pass over quickly. You need to find shelter that will protect you from the smoke and radiant heat. A house is best, then a car, then a clearing, a cave, or on the beach is the best location. Wet everything what you can. Stay low and cover your mouth. Cover yourself with non-flammable (woolen) clothing or blankets, and reduce the skin directly exposed to the heat. If you have access to a tap gather water early, dont rely on water pressure as the fire front approaches. If your holiday goes no further than cities, major towns, and beaches, this wont really concern you. Water supply edit Australia is a very dry country with large areas of desert . It can also get hot. Some parts of the country are always in drought. When travelling in remote areas, away from sealed roads, where the potential to become stranded for up to a week without seeing another vehicle is very real, it is vital that you carry your own water supply (4 gal or 7 L per person per day). Do not be misled by entries on maps such as well or spring or tank (or any entry suggesting that there is a body of water). Nearly all are dry, and most inland lakes are dry salt pans. Many cities and towns have water restrictions, limiting use of water in activities like washing cars, watering gardens, or public showers. It is common to see signs in accommodation asking visitors to limit the length of their showers. Venomous and dangerous creatures edit Australia is home to many of the deadliest species of insects, reptiles and marine life on the planet. However the average tourist is unlikely to encounter any of these in an urban environment. The vast majority of deaths from bites and stings in Australia are due to allergic reactions to bees and wasps. Some of the information spread about Australias dangerous wildlife is blown out of proportion. However, you should take warnings about jellyfish and crocodiles seriously in the tropics, and keep your distance from snakes in the national parks and bushland. If travelling in rural areas it would be a good idea to carry basic first aid equipment including compression bandages and to learn what to do after a snake or spider bite. The cane toad that has been rampaging in its millions across northern Australia is in fact poisonous when consumed. This poses little danger to humans as long as you dont eat one, but if a cane toad is consumed by a pet or even another wild animal will almost surely lead to death. Australian Parks service has a program in the north to train indigenous wild animals not to eat cane toads, with growing success. Snakes and spiders edit Australia is home to six of the top ten deadliest snakes in the world. Never try to pick up any snake, even if you believe it to be a non-venomous species. Most people bitten by snakes were trying to pick up the snake, kill the creature, or inadvertently step on one whilst out walking. Snakes will generally try to put as much distance between themselves and you as possible, so if you see a snake while out walking, simply go around it or walk the other way. Walking blindly into dense bush and grassy areas is not advisable, as they are places where snakes may hide. For the most part, snakes fear humans and will be long gone before you ever get the chance to see them. It is common to see spiders in Australia, and most will do you no harm. Wear gloves while gardening or handling leaf litter. Check or shake out clothing, shoes, etc that have been left outside before putting them on. Dont put your fingers under rocks, into tree holes, where spiders might be. The worlds deadliest spider is the Sydney Funnel Web spider . found in and around Sydney and eastern New South Wales. Until the late 1970s a bite from this spider could result in death, but anti-venom is now available. The spider is anywhere up to 5 cm large, and is usually black. If you are in an area that is known for having Funnel Web spiders and you are bitten by a spider that you believe could be a Funnel Web it is important you get to hospital as quickly as possible. Funnel Webs can seek shelter indoors when there is a lot of rain, however they are usually found under rocks, especially if recent gardening has taken place. The Red Back spider (usually easily identified by a red mark on its abdomen), is common and after a bite it is important to seek medical attention, however it is not as urgent as with a Funnel Web. Red Backs typically hide in dark places and corners. It is highly unusual to see them indoors, however they can hide in sheds, around outdoor tables and chairs and under rocks or other objects sitting on the ground. Anti-venom is available for most spider and snake bites. If bitten you should immobilise the wound (by wrapping the affected area tightly with strips of clothing or bandages) and seek immediate medical help. Do not clean the wound as hospitals can test venom residues to determine what species anti-venom should be used. If you are in an isolated area send someone else for help. The venom of some snakes (the taipan in particular) can take effect within fifteen minutes, but if the wound is immediately immobilised and you rest it is possible to delay the onset of poisoning by one to a few hours, depending on the creature. If possible, you should attempt to identify the creature that bit you (in the case of spiders it might be possible to trap it in a jar and take it to the hospital) so that the appropriate anti-venom can be administered swiftly. Unlike snakes in other parts of the world, Australian snakes have short fangs. Getting bitten means the venom will enter your lymphatic system, rather than the circulatory system, so there is no need to cut off blood flow, but the wound should be immobilised using tight bandages. You should avoid moving, as this will cause the venom to move more quickly through your body. A traditional Aboriginal method of dealing with snake bites was for the person to rest for a few days until the venom left their system and they had recovered. However, you should send for help and seek medical attention if bitten. First aid treatment for spider bites may vary in Australia compared to other areas of the world. Always seek medical advice after a bite has occurred. Jellyfish edit Travellers in northern Queensland. the Northern Territory. or northern Western Australia should be aware of the risk of fatal stings from the Box Jellyfish if swimming in the ocean between October and May. They are very hard to detect and can be found in very shallow water. Stings from these jellyfish are excruciating and often fatal. Vinegar applied immediately to adhering tentacles will lessen the amount of venom injected, but immediate medical assistance will be required. The danger season varies by location. In general the jellyfish are found close to shore, as they breed in the estuaries. They are not generally found out on the Great Barrier Reef, and many people swim on the reef without taking any precautions. Seek out reliable local information. Some locals at the beach can be cavalier to the risks. Irukandji are another species of tiny (fingernail sized) jellyfish that inhabit the waters off Northern Australia and the surrounding Indo-Pacific islands. They are also very hard to see, and can be dangerous, although stings are rare. Unlike the box jellyfish they are found out on the reef. The initial bite can go unnoticed. There is debate as to whether they can be fatal, but they certainly can place a victim in hospital, and cause extreme pain lasting days. If you have nausea or shooting pains not long after emerging from the water seek medical treatment. A stinger-suit that is resistant to jellyfish stings costs around 100 or can be hired for around 20 a week. Blue ring octopus edit Found in rock pools around the coasts of Australia is the tiny Blue Ring Octopus. Usually a dull sandy-beige colour, the creature has bright blue circles on its skin if threatened. The Blue Ring Octopus is rare and shy. Avoid placing your hand under rocks or in crevaces in rock pools or near the shore as this is where they tend to hide. Most locals do the same. It has a powerful paralysing toxin which can result in death unless artificial respiration is provided. In the history of Australia there are only two confirmed deaths by Blue Ring Octopus. Crocodiles edit Travellers in northern Queensland, the Northern Territory or north Western Australia should be aware of the risk of fatal attacks by saltwater crocodiles in and adjacent to northern waters (ocean, estuarine and fresh water locations) between King Sound, Western Australia, and Rockhampton, Queensland. Saltwater crocodiles in these areas can reach 25 feet (about 7.5 meters) in length and can attack in water without warning. Despite what their name implies, they can be found in both salt and fresh water. On land, crocodiles usually lie motionless, but they have the ability to move with extraordinary speed in short bursts. There are relatively few attacks resulting in injury most attacks are fatal. Dangerous swimming areas will usually have prominent warning signs. In these regions only swim in inland waters if you are specifically advised that they are safe. Since 1970 there has been about one crocodile attack on a human each year. The smaller freshwater crocodile is, unlike the saltwater, timid and will avoid humans if possible. The freshwater may attack to defend itself or its eggs or if startled. They can inflict a nasty bite but due to their small jaws and teeth this will rarely cause death in humans. Make sure to check warning signs around freshwater lakes and pools. Dangerous flora edit The Gympie bush ( Dendrocnide moroides ), also known as the stinging tree, is a stinging plant, whose microscopic stinging hairs on leaves and branches can cause severe pain for up to several weeks. They are mostly found in North-east Queensland, especially in rain forest clearings. However, the Gympie bush and other closely related species (there are about five) of stinging tree can be found in south-east Queensland, and further south in eastern Australia. People bushwalking in such areas are advised not to touch the plant for any reason. Crime edit Crime rates in Australia are roughly comparable with other first world countries: few travellers will be victims of crime. You should take normal precautions against bag snatching, pick pocketing and the like. There are some areas of the large cities that are more dangerous after dark, but there generally are no areas that the police refuse to patrol or that are dangerous to enter if you arent a local. Australian police are approachable and trustworthy, and you should report assaults, theft or other crime to the police as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should you offer an Australian police officer (or for that matter, any other government official such as a customs officer) a bribe or gratuity, as this is a crime and they will enforce the laws against it. When leaving your car alone, make sure it is locked, that the windows are rolled up, and that there are no obvious targets for theft in the vehicle, as thieves will often smash windows to get at a phone, GPS or bag that is visible in the car. Racism edit Racism is a sensitive subject in Australia. There are laws against any form of racial vilification or discrimination with jail terms possible for breaches of some states racial vilification laws. It is rare to find someone who will openly express aggression towards any racial group. Australia is outwardly a multicultural and racially tolerant society. However, a very strong sense of nationalism runs high in Australia, especially in more rural communities, and this can incite racist sentiments towards foreigners. Some language used for ethnic groups that you may find offensive may not be considered offensive by the standards of some Australians. Terms such as Yank, Pom, Paki and to a lesser extent Wog are used in casual conversation in the presence of those respective nationalities, often between friends, and as such are not seen as offensive. However, tread carefully before using slang racial descriptors yourself, to avoid the possibility of offence. The indigenous population of Australia are sometimes called Abos. This is considered a racist term. It is not offensive to use Aussie (Ozzie) to describe Australian people, in fact many Australians use it to identify themselves, though some see it as low-brow. They are likely to apply it to things (Aussie Rules, etc.) as well as to themselves. When the chant of Aussie, Aussie, Aussie - Oi Oi Oi goes up at an international sporting event, some Australians will cringe, and others will join in. Often this depends on their own perceived social standing, or their state of inebriation, or both. Scams edit Attempts to scam tourists are not prevalent in Australia but take some precautions such as finding out a little bit about your destination. There have been instances of criminals tampering with ATMs so that cash is trapped inside them, or so that they record card details for thieves. You should check your transaction records for odd transactions after using an ATMs and immediately contact the bank controlling the ATM if a transaction seems to be successful but the machine doesnt give you any cash. Always cover the keypad with your hand when entering your PIN to prevent any skimming devices which have cameras recording your PIN. Illegal drugs edit Opium, heroin, amphetamines (speed), cocaine, LSD and ecstasy among other drugs are all illegal both to possess and to sell in all states of Australia. Trafficking offences are federal offences, and carry a long jail term. Australia shares information on drug trafficking with other countries, even those with the death penalty. Penalties for possession or sale of small amounts of marijuana are typically lower than for other drugs, but laws vary between states and territories. In South Australia, Western Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory jail terms do not apply to first time marijuana offences. Small scale (personal) marijuana growing is decriminalised in the ACT, South Australia and Western Australia, so tourists can expect smoking weed to be more accepted in these places. Some states can issue on-the-spot fines for small amounts of marijuana whereas others always require a court appearance. Foreigners should not expect more lenient treatment than locals from Australian police for drug offences. Amongst the youth in Australia, minor drugs (such as cannabis) are more socially acceptable. Travellers to the main cities are more likely to experience Alcohol violence over any form of drug violence or problem, if you choose to possess an illicit substance police patrols can be high within Metropolitan areas bringing Police Dogs through even the smallest of Pubs. Skin edit Exposure to the sun at Australian latitudes frequently results in sunburn. Getting sunburnt can make you feel feverish and unwell and may take a few days or weeks to heal depending on the severity. It means you cant go back out into the sun until the sunburn fades, so getting sunburnt on the first day of your beach holiday can seriously reduce the fun of your trip. It can take as little as 15 minutes to burn in Australia on a fine summers day. You should wear sunscreen (SPF 30), clothing, and a hat to shade the sun. Reapply sunscreen every 2-3 hours throughout the day as it wears off quickly if you are sweating or swimming. Make sure to cover all parts of your body. UV radiation in the middle of the day can be double what it is in the early morning or later afternoon, so if possible avoid the sun during the hottest part of the day. Daily UV forecasts are issued by the Bureau of Meteorology and are available online. 31 If you are heading to the beach, consider buying a sun-tent (less than 20 from discount and hardware stores). You cant hire beach umbrellas at Australian beaches, and they are very exposed. Food Preparation edit Australias cleanliness standards are high. Restaurants are required to observe strict food preparation standards and food poisoning is no more common than it is in other first world nations. Visitors might observe Australian food preparation and vending standards far exceed their own. All food in self serve restaurants, for example, must be taken on to a plate. no food is allowed on the countertops, even a muffin in a paper wrapper. Water edit The tap water in Australia is almost always safe to drink, and it will be marked on the tap if this is not the case. The taste and hardness of the tap water will vary considerably across the country. Bottled water is also widely available. Carrying water on hot days is a good idea in urban areas, and it is a necessity if hiking or driving out of town. At sites where tap water is untreated, water sterilization tablets may be used as an alternative to boiling. Vaccinations edit Australia does not have endemic communicable diseases that will require non-standard vaccinations. Like many other countries, it will require evidence of yellow fever vaccinations on entry if you will have been in a country with a risk of infection within 6 days before your arrival in Australia. There is no rabies in Australia. Mosquitoes edit Mosquitoes are present all year round in the tropics, and during the summer in southern areas. Screens on windows and doors are common, and repellent is readily available. Ross River Virus is spread by mosquitoes in the tropics, and can make you sick for a few weeks. There have been cases of dengue fever. Malaria is not present in Australia. Medical care edit As described above, 000 is the Australian emergency services number and in any medical emergency you should call this number and ask for an ambulance and other emergency services as necessary, to attend. Australia has first world medical standards. In particular, it is safe to receive blood transfusions in Australia, as donors are screened for HIV, hepatitis and many other blood borne illnesses. However, since Australias population density is low, parts of Australia are a long way from medical facilities of any kind. Towns with populations of 5,000 or more will have a small hospital capable of giving emergency treatment in serious emergencies, and larger towns will have a base hospital capable of routine and some kinds of emergency surgery. In severe cases, particularly any kind of injury requiring microsurgery, you will need to be evacuated to one of the capital cities for treatment. Evacuation procedures are well established and normally involve being evacuated by plane or helicopter. For this reason travel insurance or ambulance membership is highly recommended for those travelling to remote areas as helicopter evacuation could cost thousands. Capital cities will have medical centres where you can drop in, often open on weekends or until late. In country towns you may have to make an appointment, and may have no alternative other than the closest hospital after hours and weekends. You can also expect to wait a few hours if your condition isnt urgent. Australian citizens and permanent residents who live in the country can receive health care through the taxpayer funded Medicare. Travellers from New Zealand. Ireland. United Kingdom. Sweden. the Netherlands. Finland. Belgium. Italy. Slovenia. Malta and Norway are entitled to free reciprocal Medicare treatment for medical problems that occur during their visit, but should familiarise themselves with the conditions of the reciprocal arrangement. For example Irish and New Zealanders are only entitled to free treatment at a hospital, whereas the other reciprocal nationalities are entitled to subsidised treatment at general practitioners as well. No reciprocal programs cover private hospitals, and the full cost will have to be met. Consider travel insurance. If not a citizen or permanent resident of a reciprocal country, you can expect to pay around 60 to see a general practitioner, plus any additional costs for any pathology or radiology required. The charge to pay to visit a local hospital can be much more expensive, private hospitals even more so, up to 500 even if you are not admitted, and thousands if you are. Further information about reciprocal healthcare arrangements is available from the Department of Human Services 32. Poisons Information Hotline 13 11 26. Will give free advice if any medication or poisons is taken inadvertently. Will also give advice on what treatment is necessary for things like a spider bite. Contact edit Internet edit Australia offers many Internet access options for travellers. Be aware that many internet companies cap usage, finding an unlocked Wi-Fi connection is uncommon. Internet speeds generally range from ADSL speeds to Cable (30Mbps). Some cities have access to the new fibre optic network which means speeds of up to 100Mbps can be attained. Telstra is developing the worlds largest WiFi network which means travellers will be able to connect to WiFi on public transport and in public areas around the nation. Terminals edit Internet cafs abound in most centres of population that normally cost 4-5 per hour. Many internet cafs have 12-20 computers sharing a single broadband connection, sometimes making the internet painfully slow. If possible ask if you can check the speed of a cafs connection before forking out 4-5 for an hour. Public libraries usually offer some for of Internet access to travellers, either free or for a small fee. Some restrict access to email, promoting research use of their facilities. Others offer Wi-Fi as well as terminals, with Wi-Fi usually being free of restrictions. Major hotels offer Internet access, usually for a fee. It is still unusual to find in-room Internet access in smaller hotels and in motels. Most youth hostels and backpacker accommodation have at least an Internet terminal at reception. Wi-Fi edit Many coffee shops offer Wi-Fi free to their customers. McDonalds has free Wi-Fi in just about all their stores. Internode 33 has free Wi-Fi hotspots, including much of Adelaide city centre. Brisbane offers free uncapped public Wi-Fi in the Queen St Mall, South Bank Parklands and a free capped amount on a handful of Wi-Fi enabled trains Perths inner city center provides free Wi-FI to the public. Some accommodation providers offer Wi-Fi to their guests, almost always with a charge. 34G Wireless edit GPRS and 3G wireless Internet connections are available through all cellular phone networks. Australia has cellular networks operated by Telstra 34. Optus 35 and Vodafone 36. and each of the networks have several resellers with different price plans. OpenSignal provide independent cellular coverage maps of Australia. If you have a 3GUMTS-enabled phone, make sure it supports the appropriate frequencies: 8502100 MHz for Telstra, and 9002100 MHz for Optus and Vodafone. Also check with your home carrier for data roaming fees (likely quite expensive). 4G LTE Networks have been rolled out via Telstra and Optus in major cities on the 1800mhz frequency band. Several carriers offer prepaid 3G access with no contract from around 25 per month with various bundles and inclusions, which can be found in shopping centres and supermarkets. For around 40 you can get a USB modem or WiFi dongle. If you plan to stay for more than a month, LiveConnected 37 (which runs on the Optus network) offer the best value mobile plans with no contracts, starting at 8 per month, however the service must be ordered online. TPG (also runs on Optus network) is another company which offers mobile and broadband services, and offers the most affordable mobile and ADSL broadband. 38 It should be noted that while most phone providers will give good coverage in metropolitan and most regional areas, Telstras mobile network is generally regarded as to having superior coverage, particularly in less built up areas. However, their rates are often significantly higher. See coverage maps for Vodaphone 39. Optus 40 and Telstra 41. There are no restrictions on overseas residents getting an Australian prepaid SIM card. In fact, it is extremely easy to go into WoolworthsSafeway (Australias largest grocery chain) and buy a SIM card over the counter, either for 2 with no pre-loaded value or 30 with 30 pre-loaded. Take your passport for identification in case it is required. Dialup edit There are many small but reliable ISPs offering dialup Internet the 1215 per month flat rate range. There are also several ISPs who have a pre-paid arrangement at about 1 per hour of use. It can be surprisingly difficult to find Australian dialup ISPs with instant online signup, but they do exist (Beagle 42 is one). You can buy prepaid dialup cards for several ISPs from Dick Smith stores, for around 20 per month unlimited. In the cities, many small business mobile phone shops sell a large range of prepaid phone cards, including prepaid dial-up cards. The ISPs Dodo 43 and Planet for example have prepaid internet cards available for around 10 a month from a variety of retail outlets. If moving around, check that your ISP has an access number that can be reached via a local call from landlines nationwide (the access number starts with 019 or 13), rather than just in the ISP home city. All prepaid cards that can be purchased from Dick Smith have access from anywhere in Australia for a local call fee. Telephone edit Dialling codes edit The country code for international calls to Australia is 61 . When dialling from overseas, omit any leading 0 in the area code. For example, the local number for the Broken Hill tourist information is 8080-3300. The area code is 08 as Broken Hill is in the Central amp West area code region. To dial the number from Adelaide or anywhere else inside the same area code region you can optionally omit the area code, and just dial 8080-3300. To dial the number from Sydney or anywhere in Australia outside the area code region, you will need to dial 08 8080-3300. If you dont know your area code region, you can still dial the area code, and it will still work. To dial the number from overseas you will need to dial your local international access code (00 for most of Europe or 011 in the USA and Canada ) and then dial 61 8 8080-3300, that is drop the leading 0 from the area code. There can be many ways of writing the same number, as people try to present the number from the callers perspective. 61 8 8080-3300 61880803300 61 (0)8 8080-3300, (61 8) 8080-3300, (08) 8080 3300, 61 8 8080 3300 8080 3300 are all the same number, and the same rules apply. If you are dialling within Australia the area code must begin with a 0. If you are dialling internationally, there is no leading 0. Note that numbers are sometimes written as just the last six or seven digits (e. g. 311 202 is used on road signage as opposed to the full number 08 90 311202 for the Laverton Shire Council in Western Australia). This occurs due to the change in the Australian numbering plan in the 1990s, where all numbers were changed and made a uniform length. In this change, the old area code was incorporated in to the start of the new, 8 digit number, and thus locals often still regard this as the area code sometimes omitting it when written. These numbers are not to be confused with 13 numbers (see Special Numbers ). Australian Area Code List . 01 Special numbers (satellite phones, dial-up Internet) 02 Central East (New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and north-eastern fringe of Victoria) 03 South East (Southern NSW, Victoria and Tasmania) 04 Mobile phones Australia-wide (higher call charges apply). 07 North East (Queensland) 08 Central amp West (Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory and far Western New South Wales) The outgoing international dialling access code () from within Australia, is 0011 (note that 00 and similar codes common elsewhere in the world, will not work in Australia). Local calls are about 0.20 on most fixed lines and 0.50 per minute on all Telstra public phones. SMS from Telstra public phones costs 0.20. If calling an Australian number from a mobile phone outside Australia it is best to use the format 61880803300 with no spaces and no (0) prefixes included. If making an international call from your mobile phone from within Australia use the followed by the country code . followed by destination area code . followed by the local number at the destination. Omit all leading 0 prefixes and do not include any spaces . If dialling from a mobile telephone in Australia it is not necesssary to use an international dialling prefix (such as 0011). The symbol followed by the destination country code is all that is needed to access the international telephone system from your handset. Special Numbers edit Numbers commencing with 13 are charged at a local call rate, and what they connect you to can vary according to your location. They can be 10 or 6 digit numbers. For example 1300 796 222, will connect you with the Albury tourist information, no matter where you are in Australia. However, 131 008 will connect you with a different local taxi service depending on where you are. 13 22 32 will connect you to New South Wales Railways in Sydney or Victorian Railways in Melbourne. Calling special numbers internationally can be problematic, or often simply impossible. Many locations will provide an alternate, ordinary number for you to call internationally. Numbers commencing with 18 are free when dialled from a payphone or fixed line, and commonly used for hotel reservation numbers, or tourist information numbers. Numbers commencing with 19 are premium numbers, often with very hefty call charges (make sure you check before dialling). Numbers commencing with 12 are operator services, and are dependent on what network you are using. Some 12 numbers may charge higher-than-usual rates. Reverse charge (collect) calls may be made by using the 12550 service, or third-parties such as 1800 Reverse (1800 738377). Note that these services may charge very high rates and should be used sparingly - it costs upward of 20 to accept a 1800 Reverse mobile call. Directory assistance is available on 1223 and international directory assistance is available on 1225. (From fixed lines, 1223 is free of charge, 1225 is upwards of 1.20). Mobile Cellular Phones edit Australia has three nationwide cellular (mobile) phone networks based on the GSM standard (900 and 1800mhz) operated by Telstra. Optus 44 and Vodafone 45. There are also four UMTS networks, two of which are nationwide. One is operated by Telstra (UMTS 850mhz, also marketed by Telstra as Next G) and the other by Optus (a combination of UMTS 2100mhz and 900mhz). The other two networks are limited to capital cities, are on the 2100mhz band and are operated by Vodafone and Three. Vodafone have announced a nationwide 3G (UMTS) rollout on the 900mhz band. For those holding foreign SIM cards, international roaming is generally seamless onto Australias GSM 9001800 and 3G (UMTSW-CDMA) networks, subject to agreements between operators. Check with your home operator before you leave to be sure. All carriers offer service in major cities, large towns, and major highways on the East Coast. No carriers offer service in unpopulated areas away from major roads. Telstras 850mhz 3G network provides wider coverage in smaller towns and lightly populated areas. Web address for coverage maps are linked below: You can buy a cheap prepaid mobile phone in Australia with a SIM for around 40 in most retail outlets, supermarkets, and post offices, or a SIM for your existing phone at around 2-3. You can then top it up with credit using recharge cards you can purchase at all supermarkets, newsagents, some ATMs, and other outlets. Prepaid calls cost roughly 60c per minute plus 30c flagfall, again depending on the network. SMS is generally 25c. You can buy a seemly infinite variety or packages, caps and bundles, with combinations of data, sms, call time, and SIM cards. Read the fine print, and as a rule, the more value that is included in your package or cap, the more expensive the elements of the package are. For example call charges can rise from 60c to 1.20 per minute on a 29 cap that includes 150 value. All is fine if you stay within the minutes allowed for the cap you choose, but it can cost a fortune very quickly if you exceed what you thought you would use. There are no restrictions on overseas residents getting a Australian prepaid SIM card. Take your passport for identification in case it is required. Satellite phones edit If you need comprehensive coverage in rural and remote areas, you can use a satellite phone. Iridium, Globalstar and Thuraya satellite services are available in Australia. Expect to pay around 120 per week to hire a satellite phone, plus call costs. Satellite messaging units, which send your location and a help SMS or email, that can be hired for around 80 per week. These units are only available from specialist dealers, often only in major cities (away from the remote areas you may be visiting). You should be able to acquire or hire these units in your home country before departure if you wish. SMS edit Text messages can be sent from many public phones, using the keypad in much the same way as a mobile phone. Follow the instructions on the phone display. Post edit Australia Post runs Australias postal service. Letters can be posted in any red Australia Post posting box, which are found at all post offices and many other locations, often on roadsides in residential areas or town centres. All stamps can be purchased from post offices, and some stamps can be purchased from newsagents and hotels. Posting a standard letter costs 1.00 anywhere in Australia (up to 250g), with rates varying for elsewhere, generally upwards of 1.85 (Canada, UK, US amp Ireland costs 2.75 for under 50g). Parcels, express post and other services are also available, for rates usually upwards of 20. When purchasing stamps, make sure you specify either international or domestic, as the two are separate. This is due to the difference in tax between international and domestic articles. It is possible to use domestic stamps on international articles, however this will be more expensive (and sometimes impractical due to the amount of stamps required). You cannot use international stamps on domestic services. You can receive mail via Poste Restante in any city or town. To receive mail addressed to you via the Poste Restante service, you may visit a post office and present your passport. Having mail addressed to you should stick to this format: (Full name) c - Poste Restante (town) POST OFFICE (state) (postcode) AUSTRALIA For example, for Poste Restante addressed to John Smith visiting Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, one would write: John Smith c - Poste Restante KALGOORLIE POST OFFICE W. A. 6430 AUSTRALIA This country guide is usable . It has links to this countrys major cities and other destinations (and all are at usable status or better ), a valid regional structure and information about this countrys currency, language, cuisine, and culture is included. At least the most prominent attraction is identified with directions. An adventurous person could use this article, but please plunge forward and help it grow Stock Series Important Resources Vanguard (unfortunately Vanguard doesnt have an affiliate program) Personal Capital is a free tool to manage and evaluate your investments. Mit großartigen Visuals können Sie Ihre Nettovermögen, Asset Allocation und Portfolio-Performance, einschließlich Kosten verfolgen. Auf einen Blick youll sehen, was funktioniert und was Sie ändern möchten. Heres meine volle Überprüfung. Besserung ist meine Empfehlung für Hands-On Investoren, die einen DIFM (Do It For Me) Ansatz bevorzugen. Es ist auch ein großes Werkzeug, um kurzfristige Einsparungsziele zu erreichen. Hier ist mein Betterment Review YNAB hat die besten Budgeting-Tools gehen und nur könnte der beste Ort, um jemals zu arbeiten Republic Wireless ist mein 10-monatiger Telefonplan. Meine Tochter ist in Südostasien und befindet sich auf dem 5-Monats-Plan. Wir reden, wann immer und wie lange es uns gefällt. Meine RW-Überprüfung sagt Ihnen wie. Büschelampe Needle hilft mir, nachts zu schlafen. Ein sehr cooles Unternehmen und ein tolles Produkt. Dies sind Affiliate-Links und sollten Sie wählen, um Geschäfte mit ihnen zu tun, wird dieses Blog verdienen eine kleine Provision. Die Seite I8217ve wartete auf Alles, was Sie brauchen, um ein erfolgreicher Investor zu sein, ist hier genau so, anstatt sich die Zeit nehmen, über irgendwelche dieser Themen selbst zu schreiben, ich kann jetzt nur Link zu dieser Seite anstatt Sie rock Dies war genau das, was ich suchte Und ich war schwindlig wie ein Schulmädchen auf Ihrem Blog verewigt werden. Im Ernst, fragen Sie meine Frau8230 Ich brach in sie mit meinem Laptop, grinsend Ohr zu Ohr, während sie immer die Kinder bereit fürs Bett. Ich denke, die neue Registerkarte für die Serie ist great8230 halten Zugabe zu den großen Inhalt. Nun, ich hoffe, sie war aufgeregt und die Kinder nicht so begeistert, dass sie nicht schlafen konnten. In Ihrer Aufregung, haben Sie wahrscheinlich diesen Kommentar an der falschen Stelle. Mehr Leute werden verstehen, wenn sie es sehen unter der Post schrieb ich Ankündigung dieser und in dem Prozess, verewigt Sie, wie Sie so reich verdienen. Fühlen Sie sich frei, es dort zu setzen, wenn Sie mögen. Yay I8217ve schickte den Link zu meinem lieben Ehemann. Er denkt manchmal I8217m eine verrückte Frau, als I8217m antwortete auf seine Fragen über, warum wir mehr Teig in Indexfonds mit werfen sollten: 8220Well, weil jlcollinsnh SAYS SO Liest seine Artikel und you8217ll verstehen8221 Ich hoffe sicher, dass he8217s alle Ihre großen Artikel in lesen Serie. Sie8217d denken 8220because jlcollinsnh Says SO8221 wäre genug. Seth McDevitt sagt Guten Morgen Jcollinsh, ich bin ein Pfarrer, I8217m 27 Ich nehme derzeit an einem 403b Es bekam etwa 8.000, I8217m in den Prozess der Eröffnung einer Roth Ira (meine Frau hat bereits eine), muss ich auch eine beginnen Regelmäßige Ira oder sind die 403b und die Roth genug I8217ve auch lesen Sie reden über maxing aus steuerbegünstigten Konten zuerst, so dass mehr von Ihrem Geld für Sie länger arbeiten kann. Heißt das, ich sollte beginnen die Roth und lassen Sie es allein, bis meine 403 b Beiträge sind maxed out Oder sollte ich zu allen von ihnen gleichzeitig beitragen Wir haben auch etwa 30.000 in einem Investment-Konto durch morgan stanley investiert, aber sollten wir bewegen Es, sollten wir es allein lassen, sollten wir hinzufügen, wäre es besser in einem steuerbegünstigten oder aufgeschobenen Konto unsere Sparquote ist etwa 20 Prozent gerade jetzt, weil wir ein Baby zu Beginn des Jahres hatte, und waren immer noch zahlen Die Krankenhausrechnungen, aber in 2 oder 3 Monaten we8217ll zurück zu 50 Ich schätze Ihr Blog, und es war sehr hilfreich für mich bereits. Vielen Dank Seth McDevitt Hier ist meine grundlegende Hierarchie für die Bereitstellung von Investitionen Geld: 8211Fund Ihre 403 (b), um die volle Übereinstimmung, wenn überhaupt. 8211Fully Fonds eine absetzbare IRA, anstatt der Roth. Der Grund ist das Geld, das Sie nicht in Steuern zahlen, wird für Sie über den Dekaden zusammensetzen. 8211Finish Förderung der 403 (b) auf die max. 8211Fundieren Sie Ihr steuerpflichtiges Konto mit jedem Geld übrig. Wenn Ihre 30.000 ist in einem steuerpflichtigen Konto können Sie nur verschieben es in eine steuerbegünstigte Konto anders als mit diesem Geld, um diese zu finanzieren. Es ist besser, Ihre steuerbegünstigten Konten mit neuem Geld zu finanzieren, um Ihre Investitionsbeträge zu halten. Glückwünsche auf Ihrem neuen Baby Seth McDevitt sagt ehrfürchtig. Vielen Dank. Danke für die ganze Zeit, die Sie diesem Blog gewidmet haben und dieses Wissen verbreiten, das ich weiß, es rettet mich ziemlich viel Zeit in meinem future8230 Ich bin eine sehr dankbare potenzielle Erfolgsgeschichte von Ihrer Formel. Ich bin am Anfang meiner Reise nur auf Ihrem Blog im April. Dies ist ein langwieriger Selbstbedienung Kommentar, da es mir helfen, über die letzten paar Monate, die ich kam hier aus GoCrackerCurry8217s Blog, die ich herausgefunden, über in einem Facebook-Post vor weniger als zwei Monaten. In der ersten Post las ich auf GCC, die sie mit Ihren Stock Series verknüpft und gab großes Lob. Ich kam hierher und konnte nicht aufhören, es zu lesen Es half mir, viele konkrete Veränderungen in meinem Leben zu machen, die ich in Betracht gezogen hatte, aber ich ging nicht mit 8211 voran. Ich hatte kein Altersvorsorgekonto zu meinem Namen (auch ich hatte ein paar offen, aber sie Wurden nicht tatsächlich finanziert) noch habe ich ein Konzept von FI oder 8220F8221 DU Geld. Ich konzentrierte mich auf den Ruhestand bei 60 in der Art und Weise Mainstream-Finanz-Medien ist immer Harping über und in der Zwischenzeit habe ich nur gedacht, verdienen für immer und akkumulieren eine Tonne Mietobjekte (man könnte sagen, ich bin ziemlich optimistisch in gewissem Sinne). Ich bin 28 jetzt, aber ich arbeitete von 18-26 Jahre alt ohne einen Cent (oder Eigentum), um es zu zeigen. Zum Glück habe ich angefangen, das umzudrehen und sparte ca. 20.000. Ich bin froh, dass ich auf Ihrem Blog zu diesem Zeitpunkt. Diese Mittel sammeln Staub auf einem Sparkonto (könnte schlimmer sein als verdienen 0.75 APR ohne Gebühren, aber das ist nicht genau das Geld für mich arbeiten). Seit ich Ihr Blog im April gelesen habe, habe ich jetzt das Maximum von 5500 zu einer Vanguard Traditional IRA für dieses Jahr in VTSMX (Ill tauschen, dass auf VTSAX im nächsten Jahr, wenn ich meine nächsten 5500 beitragen), gekauft 10.000 von VSIAX (irgendwie I Verirrte sich von ALLE Ihrem Rat und wurde durch den kleinen Kappenfonds verärgert, war dieses ein Fehler) in einem Nicht-Ruhestand Vanguardkonto und haben meinen wöchentlichen Gehaltsscheckbeitrag zu meinem companys 401k in einem SampP Indexfonds (JFIVX) bei 692.30 bis aufgestellt Bekommen mich auf die max 18.000 jährlich (dies ist sehr neu, nur zwei Abzüge so weit). Leider stimmt mein 401k nicht überein und der SampP Indexfonds hat eine ziemlich hohe 1 Expense Ratio, aber es passiert, die niedrigste aller verfügbaren Fonds in meinem Firmenplan zu sein. Auf jeden Fall freue ich mich immer noch auf die Reduzierung meiner AGI Ich habe eine Menge von wachsenden in meinem Leben finanziell zu tun (meine FI-Nummer ist etwa 270.000), professionell (ich nie fertig College aber bin wieder auf Tempo, dies zu tun in 2017-18 und ich vor kurzem erhielt eine Förderung und Erhöhung, sondern haben viel mehr zu tun), und persönlich (College, Lernen, Beziehungen). Ich glaube, Ihr Blog hilft mir enorm und in mehr als einem Bereich und ich schätze es wirklich. An diesem Punkt habe ich nicht die Kraft, die Arbeitswelt freiwillig zu verlassen, wie Sie viele Male getan haben, bis ich volle finanzielle Unabhängigkeit erreiche, aber auf jeden Fall haben Ihre Informationen mir den Weg gezeigt. Ich Projekt sollte ich dies erreichen, wenn ich 37, die nicht schlecht ist, wenn man bedenkt, vor nur zwei Monaten habe ich meine Zuordnung meines Arbeitslebens durch 65 und willkürlich einen Meilenstein der Akkumulation eines sieben Figur Nest Ei. Die Zahlen, die ich hier präsentiere, sind oberflächlich und nur um meine Takeaways aus Ihrem Blog zu illustrieren. Aber das Wissen und die Unterhaltung, die ich in Ihrem Blog finde, ist unbezahlbar und war meine erste tiefgehende Exposition gegenüber der FI-Perspektive der persönlichen Finanzen, die gegen alles, was ich gelesen habe (und ich bin froh) ist. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe so weit, Marcelo Vielen Dank für die gemeinsame Nutzung Ihrer Geschichte. Du hast mir den Tag gerettet. 8230 und I8217m freut mich zu hören, dass ich vielleicht eine kleine Rolle gespielt habe, die Grundlage für Ihren zukünftigen Erfolg zu legen. You8217re weg zu einem feinen Anfang. Wie für VSIAX, es ist nicht ein 8220mistake8221, aber es ist ein sehr fokussierter Fonds. Immer noch kleine Kapseln gut über die Zeit und jetzt, dass Sie es besitzen, während ich vielleicht nicht hinzufügen, I8217d halten es nur für die langfristige. Genießen Sie Ihre Reise Jim, ich bin hier, um Ihnen zu danken noch einmal mit etwas mehr als einem Jahr seit meinem letzten Kommentar vergangen. Du hast mir wirklich geholfen, eine Grundlage für diese Dinge zu setzen. Mein Nettovermögen hat ein bisschen mehr als verdoppelt auf 51k und wächst mit jedem Gehaltsscheck, da meine Einsparungen und Investitionen automatisiert sind. Ich bin etwa 20 in Richtung meiner FI-Nummer. Es trifft mich einmal in eine Weile, dass ich wirklich 8220F-you8221 Geld und konnte meine jobcitystatecountry zumindest vorübergehend verlassen, wenn ich mich getraut, meine A. S. In Business und übertrage diesen Herbst zu einer staatlichen Schule (am Ende davon habe ich keine Studentenschuld und habe weniger als 25k für mein vierjähriges Studium bezahlt). Ich habe eine wunderbare Verlobte wie vor einer Woche und sie ist eine wichtige Kraft in unserem FI-Plan Natürlich sind diese nur einige Möglichkeiten, um ein life8217s wert zu messen und ich erkenne jeder hat unterschiedliche Werte und Ziele und ich fühle mich glücklich zu sein, wo Ich bin und glücklich wieder zu fühlen glücklich darüber, wo ich bin Ich fühle, dass mit den Informationen, die ich von Ihrer Website konnte ich gut ohne Lesen eines anderen Finanz-Blog, Buch oder Artikel, aber ich noch für die Unterhaltung und weitere Einsichten zu tun. Davon abgesehen, habe ich gerade den einfachen Weg zum Reichtum auf Amazon bestellt. Vielen Dank für alles I8217m so aufgeregt Ich stürzte in Ihre Website und all diese anderen FI-Blogs. Wir haben gespeichert, wie Sie tun, aber nie wirklich irgendetwas, es zu modellieren und Ihr Blog erlaubt mir, eine Menge von nützlichen Anpassungen zu machen. Ich dachte nie wirklich über die Gebühren, die ich für meinen SampP500 Indexfonds durch USAA zahlte. Stellt sich heraus, i8217m nur zu zahlen .15 Prozent vs .05 Ich würde mit Vorhut bezahlen. I8217m erraten, da ich bereits meine Stellungen gekauft, es doesn8217t sinnvoll, sie zu verkaufen und bewegen sie auf Vanguard, I8217ve bereits bezahlt die Gebühr. Ich könnte jedoch meine zukünftigen Beiträge in eine Vorhut sampp oder Gesamtbörse setzen und ein wenig mehr Geld mit einer etwas niedrigeren Gebühr bilden. Zwischen meiner Frau und ich haben wir etwa 250k in Roth IRA USAA SampP500 Investmentfonds. Klingt das richtig, während Sie .15 ist bescheiden als ERs gehen, gibt es keinen Grund, es zu bezahlen, wenn Sie das gleiche Portfolio für .05 erhalten können. Zumindest würde ich ein Vanguard-Konto für neue Gelder eröffnen. Wie für die Übertragung der aktuellen Balance, hängt es von Ihrem Kapitalgewinn und steuerlichen Konsequenzen. Wenn Sie diese Mittel in steuerbegünstigten Konten halten, können Sie ohne Bedenken wechseln. Wenn nicht, wollen Sie Ihre potenzielle Kapitalertragsteuer zu beurteilen. Für mehr auf diesem, sehen Sie sich meine aktuelle Gespräch mit Erin: Hey, liebe das Blog und vor allem diese Liste. Obwohl könnten Sie möglicherweise die Links öffnen sich in einem neuen Fenster So, dass es einfacher ist, zurück zu gehen und diese Seite verweisen Gute Idee, Joseph. Ich liebe deinen Blog, ich möchte nur, dass you8217d es über Australien geschrieben. I can8217t scheinen, irgendeine gute australische gegründete Literatur zu finden, ich don8217t annehmen Sie8217ve stolperte über irgendein angemessenes Lesematerial zu der australischen Börse in Ihrer Zeit I8217d Liebe, über australische Investitionen zu schreiben. Leider hat bisher niemand angeboten, mich zu bezahlen, um dort für 10 oder 15 Jahre zu leben, um darüber zu lernen. Lesen Sie vor allem die Kommentare, wie mehrere Aussies haben ihre Perspektive in ihnen angeboten. Sehr geehrter Herr Collins, ich habe Ihre Website genossen, tolle Arbeit wollte ich wissen, was Sie von Gold denken. Silber und Rohstoffe im Allgemeinen. Haben Sie gemacht oder verloren Geld auf sie Ich habe Münzen gesammelt (sowohl Gold und Silber), da ich fünf Jahre alt war. Ich habe einen guten Profit gemacht. Aber ich verstehe sie. Ich muss sagen, dass ich ein Fan von Jim Rogers bin. Vielen Dank für Ihre Meinung, einen schönen Urlaub. Ich haven8217t schrieb einen Beitrag über Gold und andere Edelmetalle, aber ich habe das Thema in diesem Gespräch angesprochen: Vor einigen Jahren habe ich gelesen und genossen Jim Rogers8217 Buch, 8220Investment Biker8221 über seine Runde der Welt Motorrad Reise und Kommentar auf den Weltmärkten des Tages. Aber, wie für Investitionen, he8217s ein aktiver Investor verfolgt Strategien, die weit zu komplex und erfordern viel zu viel Aufwand für meinen Geschmack. Besonders angesichts der Track Record von Index zu investieren. Als ich ein Junge war, erbte ich eine kleine Münzsammlung. Ich habe versucht, hineinzugehen, aber ich habe eine Abneigung gegen das Sammeln von Sachen. Nach ein paar Jahren habe ich es verkauft. Didn8217t bekommen viel und manchmal ich irgendwie wünschen I8217d nur es in ein Unentschieden. Es könnte Spaß machen, heute einchecken. Natürlich danach, mich zu sein, ich verkaufe es einfach. Hallo Jim, Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort, ich benutze, um zu sehen, Jim Rogers mit seinem maßgeschneiderten Mercedes Fahren rund um die ganze Zeit. Er ist ein sehr kluger Kerl. Auf der Seite beachten wir nur ein Haus gekauft und ich zeigte meiner Frau Ihre Liste der warum Häuser sind eine schreckliche Investitionen. Wir sind einverstanden mit Ihnen und wir mussten nur für das Schulsystem zu bewegen. Es dauert uns normalerweise ungefähr drei bis fünf Jahre, um nach einem Haus zu suchen, und wir betrachten über hundert Häuser, bevor wir die abschließende Entscheidung treffen. Ich weiß, es könnte verrückt klingen, aber so kaufen wir unter dem Marktpreis. Wir verhandeln auch mehr als andere. Wir haben nicht verloren Geld für die beiden letzten Käufe sogar eine während der Wohnblase. Ich zählte alle Reparaturen, Gebühren. Steuern, Schließ-, Kauf-, Verkaufs - und Opportunitätskosten. Wir haben gelernt, dass, wenn das Haus zum richtigen Preis von Anfang an gekauft wird, es schwer ist, viel zu verlieren. Frankies Girl sagt LOVE diese Serie Alles, was ich sagen kann, ist dies zu lesen, und you8217ll tun dies später: Hoffe, die GIF-Werke FYI 8211 Sie könnten wahrscheinlich alle diese Artikel nehmen, tun einige 8216house cleaning8217 und verkaufen ein E-Buch pdf von ihnen kombiniert . Ich habe in der Sport-Performance-Welt Trainer und haben zuvor gekauft ein paar Internet-Forum Zusammenfassung ebooks, die zusammen unter einer ähnlichen Idee 8211 verbringen 25, um eine Tonne von Informationen in einem einfacher zu verdauen Format, etwas kategorisiert mit den Top-Viewer Antworten Enthalten. Vielleicht brauche ich, um diese Anzeige in der rechten Spalte sogar bigger8230 Der einfache Pfad zum Reichtum nimmt die Informationen in der Stock Series und andere Beiträge und präsentiert es in einer prägnanten und besser organisiert. Das Schreiben ist auch poliert. Zumindest habe ich mehr Zeit damit verbracht, es zu polieren, was nicht das gleiche sein könnte. Kindle-Version ist 9,99 I8217ve wurden leise binging auf dieser Serie und Re-Lesung am meisten. Ich las auch gerade den einfachen Pfad zum Reichtum Buch in 2 Sitzen. Vielen Dank, dass Sie investieren in eine so einfache und leicht zu folgen Format. I8217ve neu arrangiert alle meine Konten 8020, haben zu einem SampP 500 Index innerhalb meiner 401K umgestellt, eröffnete ein steuerpflichtiges Konto für mein zusätzliches Geld und wird auch weiterhin den Drang zu Stock Pick und Dank für den Check-in zu kämpfen. I8217m Freude, die Sie genossen und Gefundenen Wert in meinem Buch und meinem Blog. Nun ist alles, was Sie tun müssen, bleibt der Kurs, wenn die Stürze kommen. Ich bin sehr neu zu investieren und haben einige Fragen. Ich glücklicherweise stolperte auf Ihrem Blog und es hat mich wirklich (mehr) daran interessiert, investieren. Ich vor kurzem und wahrscheinlich vorzeitig, unsere von Irritation der Bezahlung anderer Völker Hypotheken, kaufte eine Wohnung in der sehr teuren (schnell wachsenden) Bereich von Nord-Virginia, DC-Bereich mit der Absicht, eine Investitionsliegenschaft in naher Zukunft. Mit meinem aktuellen Job gekoppelt mit der Bereitstellung einer Hypothek von mir, die Suche nach zusätzlichen Pennys zu investieren ist keine leichte Aufgabe. Was sind Ihre Gedanken auf, wie Sie langsam beginnen und was sind Ihre Gedanken über das Beginnen mit anderen niedrigen Kosten Investmentfonds. Dh einige, die Charles Schwab anbietet, die niedrigere Anfangsinvestitionen und niedrige Kostenquoten erfordern (SWPPX nur als ein schnelles Beispiel) Auch mein Unternehmen hat sich vor kurzem entschlossen, die Altersrente loszulassen (sehr kleine Menge, aber ich finde, das kann ein Weg, um langsam loslegen) und ich bin gezwungen, zwischen dem Einlösen, rollen sie in meine 401K, traditionelle oder Roth IRA Ich habe gerade 25 mit kaum etwas zu meinem Namen, was schlagen Sie zwischen traditionellen oder Roth8211 werde ich wertvolle Gelegenheit verlieren Zu gewinnen Interesse von besteuert werden, wenn ich wählen Roth Vielen Dank für Ihren Blog und Worte, persönlich, I8217d Stick mit Vanguard. Sie können in die 8220investor shares8221 Version von VTSAX, VTSMX, für eine intitail 3000 Investition zu erhalten: personal. vanguardusfundssnapshotFundId0085038FundIntExtINT Wenn 1000 in zu steil, müssen Sie Ihre Sparrate zu erhöhen.
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